Chapter 19: Never been kissed.

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Nick parks his car near a cliff, I get out of the car first, walking near the cliff but not too close because I'm terrified of heights. The view is beautiful, I can see the whole town from up here, including our school.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Nick stands beside me, holding a cigarette between his lips and searching for a lighter in his pockets.

Why can't this guy quit smoking around me, Seriously.

"Yeah but the town looks small from up here." I cross my arms over my chest.

"It is small." He places the cigarette behind his ear when he doesn't find the lighter. Thank God.

The sun starts to set, making the sky look steamy orange, I quickly take a picture.

Once in a lifetime experience.

"I knew you would like to see the sunset from here." He looks at the view.

I had no idea a guy like Nick would pay attention to little yet perfect pieces like these. I clearly misjudged him but this day proved my judgements wrong, well, half of those judgements.

He pulls his phone out to read a message.

"Oh, shit." He says at his phone.

"What?" I ask.

"It's Amanda and Jason, apparently Jason told Amanda about hooking up with Sofia the night that we went to club 54 and now Amanda is drunk and won't let Jason drive her home." He says, still looking at his phone.

I roll my eyes at the dramatic story.

I still don't understand Amanda and Jason's relationship, Jason is clearly still going out with Sofia, I mean if I can see it, how come Amanda can't see it.

"I know she's my best friend but I seriously don't care. He should let her sleep over at his house or something." I suggest.

"They are not at Jason's house, they're at Miles's pool party." He shoves his phone back in his pocket and gives me his full attention.

What are those people made of? Weren't they partying just last night? What time do they study? Do they even study? My God.

I turn to look at him, "And you didn't go?"

"I wanted to spend this day with you and I promised my mom I wouldn't party like a wild ruthless teenager." He starts walking back to his car and I follow behind him.

Oh, so this day was all part of his master plan.

I don't respond to his previous statement, we get back in the car, I buckle up and Nick starts the engine, speeding the car like we are in a racing competition.

"Can you not drive like a mad man." I grip onto my seat, remembering the time I crashed my Dad's new car.

"Your best friend is heartbroken and you're worrying about my speeding?" He asks, smiling at me.

Is he serious?

"Yes, yes I am, my best friend can wait one more minute." I glare at him, his eyes fall to my frozen posture, lingering on my bare legs.

He looks back at the road, running a hand through his hair. "Okay, geez." he slows down and I let out a breath of relief.

After minutes of driving in silence, Nick stops in front of Miles's mansion, the loud music can be heard all the way from outside. well, at least it's not my problem anymore.

Nick grabs a jacket from the backseat and passes it to me, I hesitate before taking it and putting it on. It smells like him and I still have the last one he gave me.

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