Chapter 23: The talk.

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I quickly get off of Nick, sitting beside him and looking at my mother's shocked expression, her hand is still on the door knob, her face is stunned and her jaw is literally on the floor.

Never in my life would I have imagined anything like this happening to me of all people.

"Uhm, did you get it out?" I hear Nick ask, I turn to look at him with furrowed brows, he is tilting his head back and flattering one eye like there's something in it.

What the heck is he.....Ooh, I get it.

"Yeah I think I got it out." I rub his eyelid with my index finger, he straightens his neck and looks at my mom like he didn't know she was standing there.

"Oh hey, Mrs Parker." He waves at my mother.

Quite the character.

"I'm gonna go then come back in like five minutes, I think my eyes are deceiving me." She closes the door and I hear her descending down the stairs.

Damn my life, I'm in big trouble.

"Well that was embarrassing." Nick awkwardly scratches the back of his head and laughs. He laughs.

Embarrassing? It was more than that. It was horrifying!

"Can you leave? She's going to come back and I gotta think of an explanation." I stand and begin to panic, biting my thumb nail and pacing back and forth.

What was I thinking? Why the hell would I let a guy touch me like that and why didn't my mom knock, it doesn't matter anyway, she still saw all of that and I don't know if I'm gonna be strong enough to face her after this.

Nick grabs his shoes and starts putting them back on.

"You should come with us to the beach house tomorrow." He says as he ties his boot laces.

My Mom just walked in on us and he's concerned about me going to some beach house with him and his friends.

Gotta learn to understand that someday.

"I don't want to go." I say without looking at him.

"You have to, Sofia and Lilian are gonna treat Amanda like shit if you don't come, I heard them say it and I know you still care about her." He stands near me and I take a step back, he rolls his eyes.

I'll keep on doing this till I figure out what it is that I feel for this guy, or what I think I feel for this guy.

"Even after all that you're still afraid of me?" He gestures with his hands.

"I'm not afraid of you and I'll think about the beach house thing but can you please leave?" I point to the window, he shakes his head at me like he's disappointed or something then he walks towards the window.

"This was fun, we should do it again sometime soon. Goodnight, princess." He climbs out of my window and I walk over to close it.

Fun? Do it again sometime? Did he seriously miss the part where my mom walked in on us!

I sit on my bed, huffing in distress and palming my face in embarrassment.

I can't stop cringing myself to death.

Why did something like this happen to me?

I hear a light knock on my door.

Ah shit.

"Come in." I adjust myself, mom walks in and looks around my room for Nick.

"Oh look at that, my eyes were deceiving me after all." Her tone is full of sarcasm.

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