Chapter 11: Popular kids.

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I feel like I've been sitting on this wooden chair for two days straight when it's only been an hour or so, Mr Brent, the physics teacher keeps going on and on about kinetic energy and all that knowledge. All I want right now is for this God awful day to be over. I miss my mother, I miss my comfy bed and-


My day dreaming gets cut short by the bell. Thank you master of time.

"Test on Wednesday, I'd advise you to study harder." Mr Brent announces and the whole class groans as they pack their books.

They are right to groan, Mr Brent's test questions do not joke around at all but not for me, I don't worry about that because I study my butt off every day and night.

"C'mon kids, this will be a lot simpler for all of us if you just study." he points out.

"Some bullshit!" shouts Miles, a jock who is always passing silly comments in class, he's the kind of guy that makes a teacher's career feel like a total waste of a life time. Mr Brent doesn't acknowledge or entertain Miles, he is smarter than that.

I ought to learn a lot from him because regardless of being a physics teacher, he is the second wisest person I know. He gives really good life advice that I hold on to.

I quickly pack my books inside my backpack, swinging it over my shoulder and exiting the classroom, the hallway is crowded with people trying to reach the exit and catch the bus or get home on time.

I guess I'm not the only one who's so eager to get out of here.

I think about looking for Amanda but I decide against it after remembering the fact that she has a car and I have to catch the freaking bus.

I push the heavy red doors open, finally, I can breath in fresh air and not teenage armpit sweat.

"Hey!" I hear a female voice call behind me but I don't recognize it so I continue my journey to where the bus is parked on the parking lot.

"Allison, right?" I hear her ask, I stop in my tracks, turning around.

I'm nearly mesmerized by who I see calling my name, I'm so surprised that at some point I turn my head just to make sure there isn't another Allison behind me.

"Me?" I point at my own chest.

"Yes you, don't be silly, who else would I be talking to." Sofia says in a duh tone, flipping her gorgeous long brown hair behind her.

I never thought Sofia knew my name, heck, I didn't even think she knew I existed. Girls like Sofia and Jason's sister Lilian literally pick who's name they get to know and for what reasons, which also means. There is a reason why this beautiful manipulating chick is talking to me right now.

"Can I help you with something?" My tone suddenly turns cold. I hate being used and that's exactly what these good for nothing popular kids do all day long.

She probably wants me to do her homework.

"No, nothing much just wanted to see how you were doing." she lies, playing with her perfectly manicured nails.

"I'm great, can I go now?" I ask with a fake grin on my face.

"Uhm yeah, sure but I was wondering if we could be friends?" She asks genuinely.

Friends? First Nick and now her. I think not?

I wouldn't think of ten million reasons why Sofia freaking Martinez would want to be 'friends' with a nerdy nobody like me.

"Why?" I ask curiosity.

"Because I think you and your friend Amanda are really cool, Jason and Nick told us about how you guys threw this epic sleepover and that sounded really cool to me." she chirps cheerfully. How dumb.

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