Chapter 8: The ocean.

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It's Saturday morning and I feel like I haven't slept in days, Amanda and I stayed up late watching the walking dead last night, I even dreamt about being in the show and running from zombies and all that stuff, Amanda dropped me off a few hours earlier. She said she'll be fine about the whole Jason situation but I can tell when she's lying and she was definitely lying.

My Mom went upstairs to her room to change, she wants us to 'attempt' baking a cake for her upcoming birthday, Dad used to do that for her since the day that they got married, I keep telling her we can just buy a cake but she insists.

I don't think this is gonna turn out great.

"Okay, I'm ready." she walks into the kitchen, she's wearing an apron and her hair is fixed into a ponytail.

She looks beautiful but I'm not gonna tell her that, my mom and I don't exactly look alike, she's way too beautiful, I mean yeah, people call me 'pretty' but she has those golden locks and everything.

She stares at the baking ingredients on the island with her hands on her hips like she's trying to figure out what the hell is supposed to be done first.

"You can start now." I snort a laugh, she glares at me.

I cover my mouth with my palm to shut myself up.

"Allie, this is not funny, I want my birthday to be perfect without him." I think it just slipped out, she never talks about him.

Uncomfortable silence blows through the air, both our moods have changed. she looks sad, a tear rolls down her cheek but she wipes it away quickly.

Dang it, I hate it when women cry.

I know mom and I had some bad days, but I love her and she's my mother so I can't really change that even if I wanted to.

With that, I get down from the stool, walking towards her and engulfing her into a tight hug.

"It will get better, mom." I say in the softest tone I can endure.

I hear a knock on the front door, I pull away from her, smiling lightly while she forces a smile back.

"I'll get it." I say to her, rushing to open the door.

It's probably Nick, finally here to pick up his dumb jacket.

Opening the door, I almost don't believe my eyes as to who I see standing right in front of me.

"Carl?" It comes out as a question while I narrow my eyes at him.

"Hey, you." he gives me a hug, I hesitate before hugging him back.

Since that day I lied to Mr Miller in history class, Carl has been greeting me with hugs, which is very weird and awkward.

"Sweetie, who is it?" Asks my mom from the kitchen, Carl immediately let's go of me, adjusting his shirt and clearing his throat.

It's almost charming.

"Just a friend from school!" I respond to her still looking at Carl.

I'm quite baffled by this visit.

"Carl, why are you here? Did someone die or something?" I ask, he laughs.

I didn't even know he knew where I lived, I definitely do not know where he lives.

"I was just around the neighborhood and I thought about checking up on you since you weren't at the party last night." he clearly lies. He definitely intended on knocking on my door.

As if he's ever seen me at any party, Carl is really smart and hard-working when it comes to school stuff but he can be a party boy, a player with a little bit of drug life sprinkles in it and he can easily get away with it. I seriously don't know how he does it but he does it and it's been working out perfectly for him so far.

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