Chapter 26: The letter.

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Nick's POV.

The essence of falling for someone, it's not really a mystery but to me it kinda is, like how do you fall for someone
you didn't plan on falling for? How do you fall for someone who's so different from you? And why them? Why not another person? No one has ever given me a knowledgeable answer, they give me answers like, the heart wants what it wants and that love just happens.

I think not.

When I packed my bags and decided to move to this town with my mom and brother, I told myself that falling for someone would be the last thing on my to do list but then I met her on my very first day at school, she was rushing to class with a milkshake in her hand which she spilled all over my shirt and gave me bad language advice, I didn't want in on falling for Allison but everything about her is just.... Almost perfect?

I love it when she laughs, smiles or rolls her hazel eyes at me. our conversations are always playful and endless, she makes life seem less shitty.

But there's a problem.

Me, I'm that problem. I hate to say this but I suck at relationships since kayla, the only relationship I was good at was with her, that didn't end well so I started sleeping around and believe it or not, I'm used to that now, I don't want to break Allison's heart, she's a great girl and I don't deserve that, I'm just gonna fuck it up in like two weeks or less.

My phone vibrates on my chest, pulling me out of my thoughts.

*Dude does this mean that I'm single? Am I girlless?* Reads the message from Jason.

I roll my eyes at the screen.

Some of us basically want to stay girlless you asshole.

Being girlless is better than knowing I'm gonna end up breaking someone's heart.

Amanda and Sofia stopped talking to Jason completely, I'm proud of Amanda for making that decision, I just hope she doesn't crawl back to him like the many times he fed her lies.

*Totally, congrats you're finally free to fuck around* I reply to his text.

Jason dropped Allison and I earlier today from the beach house, Allison avoided the conversation that we were supposed to have and ran to her house, I haven't seen her for like two hours but it feels like two days.

Like I said, the essence of falling for someone. It's a true mystery.

My phone rings, I look at the screen only to find an unknown number calling, I pick it up anyway.


"Nickolas Adams?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"Hello Mr Adams, I'm calling you from the academy of artistic talents, I believe you applied to us earlier this year?"

Shit. I sit up.

"Uhm, yes Sir I did."

"Right, we checked the drawings and paintings you sent us and we loved them, you could really be the next big thing with our help, that is why we decided to call you instead of sending an email, we wanted to let you know that we would be glad to have you at the academy."

"Holy shit- I mean thank you very much."

"No, thank you and one more thing Mr Adams, our school program is different from other colleges, by that I mean the first semester begins next month and we expect you to be there for orientation."

"Next month? But don't I have to graduate high school first?"

"We already have that sorted out with your high school, they're going to let you graduate from New York."

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