Chapter 6: Boys.

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Allison's POV.

It's finally Friday, school session was short today and I got tones of homework to do but I found myself watching TV in the living room, I feel like I haven't been giving myself some alone time because of school. I can't wait for high school to be finally over so I can go to college, I applied to NYU earlier this year because I love the city and it's far away from home, I thought about applying to Harvard but I doubt if they would accept me, I know I'm a straight A student and all but Harvard is just way out of my league.

"Allie, can you please take this back." says my Mom, dragging me out of my thoughts.

I turn around on the couch to look at what she's referring to, she's holding the bowl that Nick dropped off on Wednesday night.

"No thanks, I'm good." I turn back around, concentrating on the television.

I'm trying my very best to avoid that douchebag and going to his house to return some stupid bowl is not how I'm gonna succeed.

She sits on the couch next to me, I can feel her eyes on me, on the side of my face, I try my best not to look at her but it's very uncomfortable so I look at her eventually.

"What?" I shrug.

"What's so bad about returning a bowl?" She asks, lifting the bowl in her hand.

I see what she's doing.

"I don't want to return it, mom, and can't we just keep it?" I suggest.

She laughs lightly.

"You are such a child, okay let's agree on something, I'll return this next door and you'll go shopping at the super market with my car." she offers, I scoff, looking elsewhere and shaking my head at her words.

Low brow, even for her.

"You know I can't drive." I say in a low tone.

"No, you can drive, you just choose not to." she says, like she's reminding me, "Allie, Your father would have wanted you to move on." she holds my hand but I immediately retrieve it from her hold.

"Mom, you have no idea what he would have wanted." I pull the bowl from her hands and storm out of the house.

The mention of driving really rattles me up, I know it wasn't my fault but I feel like it was, I feel like it's my fault that I crashed his new car in two days.

I stand on the porch to Nick's house, any thought is that it's rather cute, there are two white chairs on each side and they re-painted the house, it doesn't look so old and haunted any more.

I ring the doorbell for about two minutes but no one's opening the door, Nick's car is in the driveway so I know someone's in there, this might be some kind a breaking and entering crime but I creek the door open and let myself inside the house.

There's a grey carpet placed on the wooden floor, everything around me looks beautiful and organized, on my left is their living room and straight ahead is the staircase that leads upstairs.

Mrs Adams must be working on this house, it looks really different from what I imagined it to be from the inside.

But why is it so quiet in here?

"Hello? Anybody home?" I feel like I'm in a very creepy horror movie.

"Don't shut the door!" Shouts little Adam as he descends down the stairs.

Weird of him to say that.

"What door?" I ask, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"Dan it, you already closed it." he walks passed me towards the front door and tries turning the knob but it doesn't open.

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