Chapter 17: Jealous much?

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Within a blink of an eye, my house is now filled with teenagers from school, they came with their own cans of alcohol, their own snacks, karaoke machine, radio equipment and everything. I was actually screaming at them a few minutes ago, telling them to get out of my house but I ended up questioning if I suddenly died and became a ghost because they didn't even glance my direction. It's Almost like Sofia planned all of this before coming here.

So now I'm just standing here, watching people walk into my house like it's a charity event or like they own the place. I didn't even know this much people knew where I lived.

My heart skips a beat when I spot Nick, Miles and Jason walking in, I almost ask him to help me get these people out but then I realize that I'm not talking to him.

He and I make eye contact but this time, he doesn't smirk, smile or wink at me. He does rake his eyes down my body like he always does but he looks away quickly and disappears into the kitchen with his friends.

That's just great.

let's go to her party but let's not talk to her, why don't they.

Bunch of douchebags.

"Allison!" Someone shouts from the living room, I ignore it.

A few seconds pass, a huge guy I recognize from English comes up to me and lifts me bridal style, walking into the living room.

"Seriously dude?" I lazily narrow my eyes at him.

"Just following orders" he responds.

Sofia and her minions.

He literally throws me down on the couch which causes my hair to fly all over my face. I glare up at him.

Sofia and her group of mean chicks are seated and are now looking at me.

"What else do you want from me, Sofia?" I sit up straight, fixing my hair.

"You're the host of this party and following our senior year tradition, which states that 'parties should always be started by the host' you have to officially start it." She hands me a tiny red cup with what looks like alcohol in it.


"I don't drink." I push her hand away.

They all groan and roll their eyes at me but guess what? I don't give a crap.

"Allison, it's just a shot and if you don't start this thing then no one will and no one's gonna leave either so your mom is gonna find a house full of teenagers tomorrow morning." She says.

Well she's bound to find something tomorrow morning.

Well, screw it.

I sigh, getting the little cup from her hold and looking down at it disgustingly.

I can't believe I'm about to do this.

"Wait." she stops me, "big Jim call everyone." She orders the guy that carried me.

Big Jim?

What is this? A party or some kind of a cult.

Everybody comes into the living room, Sofia tells me to stand on the couch in order for everyone to see me clearly. Right now, everyone's eyes are on me, waiting for me to say or do something, I see Carl leaning against the wall with a smile on his face.

I send him a low wave which he returns and from the corner of my eye, I see Nick roll his eyes at us as he sips on his drink.


"Well, say something!" Miles shouts.

God I hate that guy, he's always passing stupid comments.

Wait, what am I supposed to be saying?

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