Chapter 14: Not a rat.

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Nick's POV.

I slowly flutter my eyes open and take in my surrounding. I scan the unfamiliar bedroom, I don't recognize the room at all. Where the hell am I and what happened last night?

I sit up, holding my head in one hand, I hear a groan next to me.

There's a girl sleeping next to me, the first thing I do is check if I'm naked underneath the sheets, I'm in my boxer briefs and the girl is in nothing but her underwear.

Fuck no.

I can't see her face because she's facing the other way and I honestly do not want to find out who she is, the last thing I remember is playing a drinking game with Lilian after I made out with her.


Shit, could she be the girl sleeping next to me? I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope it's Sofia and not Lilian. Jason specifically asked not to fuck her, I don't want to fuck up our friendship.

"I'm never drinking again." She groans louder and I recognize the voice.

Busted, it is Lilian.

She also sits up leaning her head on the headboard, she turns to look at me and I look at her. She still looks pretty but with scratchy left over makeup.

"Last night was-"

"A mistake." I finish her sentence, this may be a little player-move-asshole, but it is what it is.

"Didn't take you for an asshole until now." she scoffs.

I'm not an asshole, I just don't do feelings and all that bullshit, I wasn't supposed to touch her but she kept teasing me, you don't tease guys, guys get excited when you tease them and that's why we are here in the first place, so excuse me if I'm being an asshole, now Jason is going to kick my ass and hate me for doing this.

How the hell do I end up being the bad guy all the time?

"Think whatever you want, sweetheart, your brother told me not to but I did and now-"

"It's okay." she cuts me off and smiles, "No hard feelings, I needed it and you secretly needed it so it happened, now stop being a bitch about it and remember, I won't tell if you won't tell." She holds out her pinky finger and I entwine it with mine.

She's surprisingly mature.

Girls usually throw stuff at me when something like that happens.

"Where are we? Is this your room?" I ask, roaming my eyes around the room. It looks very big and empty to be anyone's room.

"No, we're at Miles's house." She informs me, "Shit, I gotta run." She looks at the time on her phone then quickly gets up to put her clothes on, I awkwardly look away from her half naked body as she dresses up.

"Quite the gentleman." I hear her say sarcastically. "Okay you can look now." she announces when she's done, I turn to look.

Her red dress has liquor stains on it but it still fits her body magnificently.

She crawls back on the bed, looking into my eyes, "See you later, handsome." She whispers softly before pecking my lips and rushing out of the room, leaving me a little stunned.

That girl scares me a little bit.

I get up from the bed, looking for my clothes, I find my pants under the bed, my t-shirt is literally torn apart which makes it useless for anything and makes me wonder what happened to it, I put on my leather jacket without a shirt. It does look weird but it's better than walking shirtless, after finding my shoes in the bathroom tub, I peek through the hallway.

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