Chapter 13: Club 54.

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Nick's POV.

I kill the engine outside Jason's house, getting out of my car and waiting for him to come out anytime soon. He walks out of his house wearing the most ridiculous outfit I've ever seen, he's wearing a black long sleeved turtle neck, black skinny jeans and brown boots, And his hair is pushed back.

"Are we going to a red carpet event?" I try my best not to laugh at him.

"I wish, we are going to club 54." he informs me, I furrow my brows at him.

"The movie?" I ask in confusion, he looks at me in confusion.

"No, not the- wait there's a movie called club 54?" He chuckles.

"Yes, it's a fucking classic." I nod.

"I should check that out and where were you, dude, I left you like ten messages that you never replied to." He questions.

Well I was at a neighbor's birthday party but her arrogant bitchy daughter said these really bitchy things to me so I ended up here with you because you always have something.. fun? to do.

"My Mom asked me to do this thing for her." I say instead.

"You're lucky your mom is hot, she's the only reason why I'm forgiving you." he says, I scowl my face.

"Don't call my mom hot, you perv." I shove his shoulder playfully and he laughs.

"It's just the truth bro, C'mon we gotta pick Turner up from his crib, he said he wanted in." We start walking to Jason's car after I lock mine.

"Turner? As in Miles Turner?" I ask.

"Yep." he gets on the driver's side while I take the passenger seat.

God damnit, I hate that stupid piece of shit, he's literally a bully and he has no problem harassing girls all day at school.

"Remind me again, why is that incompetent dick ward coming with us?" He pulls out of the driveway.

"Because my parents are now friends with his parents so they are making us hangout." he explains.

Fucking rich people.

"He's not that bad when you get to know him." he adds.

I already know enough.

We pick Miles the asshole from his 'crib.' Jason and Miles greet each other while I just send a nod in his direction. We drive to this club 54 for about thirty minutes which is tiring, Jason finally pulls up in front of a very very classy looking club. There's literally a red carpet and a huge door bouncer outside and the name 'club 54' in big bright neon lights of red, yellow, pink and blue on top of the building.

Shit, it really does look like the one from the movie.

"How the hell are we supposed to get in there?" I ask, still looking at the place.

"I have no idea." Jason responds and I slowly turn to glare at him.

Tell me he did not drive half an hour just to make us stare at a fancy club.

"What?" He asks cluelessly as he notices my look.

"What the fuck are we waiting for?" I ask irritatedly.

"The ladies." He responds. I now narrow my eyes at him.

"What ladies?" I ask, looking around the place for these ladies.

"Lilian, Sofia and Victoria." He counts with his fingers.

Ah fuck me, those chicks are coming here?

Its not that I hate them or anything like that, it's just that Sofia makes me very uncomfortable with the way she looks at me. I would rather have Allison step on my shoes all night than be here right now.

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