Chapter 28: Wish me dead.

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Nick's POV.

I continue pacing back and forth in Allison's living room, biting the inside of my thumb and feeling my nerves acting up. This would be a good time to smoke but she hates it when I smoke and I'm in her house for fuck's sake. Mrs Parker let me in earlier but she had to go shopping and Allison isn't home yet.

I've been here for half an hour, it's fucking killing me that she's not home yet, I Know she's probably with Carl that asshole but it's the thought of what they might be doing that really kills me.

But by the end of the day it's Allison, what would she do with him besides cuddle.

Amanda told me to man up and face Allison, it's like she has no fucking idea how stubborn Allison can get, she also drove me back home because Jason and I are no longer friends which is a good thing, I don't care about him anymore. I think.

All I want is to talk to Allison.

I hear the front door open then shut, I stand still as my heart picks up it's pace.

My heart picks up it's pace? The fuck is she doing to me?

I don't know how she's gonna react or what she's gonna say to me.

Deep down, I know this is a total waste of time, she's not gonna forgive me or even consider it but it's worth a try.

"Mom, are you home?!" Her familiar voice shouts.

I slowly move out of the living room to the small hallway, we almost bump into each other, she freezes as soon as her eyes lock with mine. She lifts her hand to her chest like I almost gave her a heart attack.

She tries to walk passed me but I block her way by standing in front of her again.

"Excuse me." She says without meeting my eyes. Such a child.

"Can we talk?" I ask nicely.

"No. I have nothing to say to you." She tries to escape but I grab her arm and turn her around to face me, "Don't touch me." She wrecks her hand from my grasp.

"Okay, I'm not gonna touch you." I raise my hands in the air, assuring her, "but can you just hear me out please?" I plead. She hesitates, looking behind her then back at me.

She crosses her arms over her chest, "Okay, I'm all ears." She gives me her full attention.

Really? Shit, I was not expecting her to actually hear me out, I was ready for some screaming, some face slapping and a whole lot of swearing but I guess not. what the hell am I supposed to say now.

I stare at her face as she waits for me to start talking, her new hair style looks good but I liked the long hair better, it narrated her personality and-

"Okay then." She's about to walk away when I stop her by holding her arm.. again. I quickly retrieve my hand when she sends me a murderous glare.

So here goes some cliché bullshit..

"I didn't mean to call our kiss nothing-"

"You said it was just a 'good first kiss' " She corrects me, air quoting the words I used.

Damnit, how am I supposed to apologise when I don't even know what the hell I said.

"Right. The thing is, it wasn't just a good first kiss, I mean it was for you and it was good for me too, it was special and I shouldn't have said the things that I said I swear on my life-" I'm cut off by her index finger pressing against my lips.

"Shut up." She slides her finger down.

I don't know why I think that was hot.

I wish she kept it there though.

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