Chapter 18: Savage shit.

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Have you ever dreamt about falling? Not falling for a person but literally falling, like falling in a long deep endless pit? Yes? No? Well, I definitely had that dream tonight. I slipped and fell inside a wishing well, it was very very long and it just went on and on and on and just when I was about to hit the bottom, I woke up. My Dad used to tell me stories about that dream, he said you never hit the bottom because neither your mind nor your body knows what happens after you die. That explaination made sense to me but now that I've experienced it, I understand it even better.

I woke up pretty early today, my body hurts a little due to the fact that I slept on the couch and ended up on the floor but the good news is that I managed to clean the house, all by myself and my mom is not home yet so luck is on my side this morning.

I feel tired, hungry and dirty.

"Allie, I'm home." Announces my mom from the front door.

I look around for anything that might be out of place. Clear.

"In the living room." My tone comes out lower than I planned, she walks in with a suspicious look on her face.

I knew it, it was too good to be true she already figured me out.

"Why is this place looking super clean? I know you don't clean unless I force you to." She scans the place with her eyes.

Why is she complaining, isn't this like every parent's dream?

"I had time." I lie horribly while looking around the house myself.

Lying has become a certain habit that I do not want to keep around.

"Oh Really?" She asks, sitting next to me.

"Yes." I nod yes, not keeping eye contact.

I'm never doing anything like last night ever again, my innocent virgin eyes had to see stuff that I'd rather not mention and to top it off, Sofia and her minions sent me a video to wish me a good morning, what's so good about this morning? and who the hell gave them my number.

"How was working at night?" I try to change the subject.

"Huh?" She's suddenly lost.

"Your job, you said you were-"

"Oh yes yes, it was good, tired right now." She lets out a fake yawn which I find very suspicious myself.

A knock from the door stops me from asking her any further questions.

"I'll get it." She gets up quickly.

Is she avoiding my upcoming questions? If she was just at work, why is acting all weird about it? and why do I feel like she's hiding something from me.

My investigator instincts are acting up again.

"Hey, Allie, look who's here to help you clean up." My mom walks into the living room with Nick. he has a black trash bag in his hand, his wearing a black tank top with grey Nike shorts and his hair is really messy like he's just from waking up.

He looks very beautiful though.

God, did I just call him beautiful?

Shit's getting real.

Nah, I've just never seen him in a tank top before and it's a very good look on him, it shows his broad muscles and everything.

I notice a tattoo writing on his chest, the ink is written in cursive writing but I can only see half of it, I can't read what it says and the rest of words are hidding underneath his shirt.

I didn't know he had a tattoo.

"Oh, there you are." I stand to put my arm around Nick's shoulder, damn he's really tall. "I texted him to come help me since he helped me last time but dude, that was like three hours ago." I turn to look at Nick.

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