Chapter 7: Sleepover.

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Amanda and I decided to have a sleepover at her house since we haven't had one of those in a while and it was also the only way of keeping her from going to one of those Friday night parties that she gets invited to.

We decided to watch a marathon of the walking dead because it's the only show we could agree on watching.

Amanda plops down next to me on her soft comfy bed with a big bowl of popcorn in her hands.

I think it's awesome that Amanda has a TV in her room, my Mom would never agree to that kind of nonsense.

I shove some popcorn in my mouth when Amanda plays the movie.

God, how much I missed this.

Amanda's phone keeps ringing and vibrating from time to time but she keeps hanging up and ignoring the buzzing sound.

I wonder who's so desperate to talk to her, I try my best not to ask her because I know her, if she wanted to talk about it then she would have told me about it already.

I notice that she's looking at the TV but she's not watching, she's so lost in her thoughts.

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask, startling her a bit.

"Huh? Want some more popcorn?" She checks the bowl that is already filled with popcorn.

Oh my God, how did I not notice this sooner?

She's broken.

"Amanda, is there something that you're not telling me?" I sit up, looking into her eyes but she looks down at her hands.

"Nothing." she lies, her voice starting to sound brittle.

I pick up the remote control to pause the show.

"Look at me." I lift her chin up, as soon as her eyes meet mine she starts crying.

I hug her tightly whilst patting her back.

"It hurts Allie, it hurts so fucking much." she says through her sobbing.

"What hurts? Is it your head? Your stomach? Your leg? OH my God, cramps?" I pull away from her, checking each part of her body.

"No, it's my heart, my heart hurts so bad." her voice is barely audible.

"Why? Did something happen with your parents? Are they getting a divorce or something?" I ask.

From what I know, Amanda's parents love each other, infact, they went on a romantic dinner date tonight and they said they won't be back until late.

"No Allie, my parents are fine but I have to tell you something that will probably shock you and make you hate me for about two hours." She wipes her tears away and I laugh lightly at the last part of her sentence.

I don't think anything she says is gonna make me hate her.

Her phone starts ringing, she hangs up yet again. I have a feeling that whatever she has to say has got something to do with those calls.

"Tell me." I give her my full attention.

She takes a deep breath, shifting in her seat.

"Okay I'll start from the beginning in order to make you understand, it started last year at Lilian's sixteenth birthday party-"

"Wait, Lilian? Jason's sister?" I ask for confirmation.

"Yes that Lilian." She nods yes, "she personally invited me to her party because she thought I was 'cool' so I went to the party and it was packed, I remember Sofia and Jason having a huge fight that night, Sofia left the party and Jason went for a swim in their pool, I don't know why but I decided to accompany him. We talked for like three hours straight and I learned that I liked him and that we had a lot in common and I couldn't help but fall for him, at first we were just making out and flirting around but then it got serious and we started dating, turns out that was the dumbest thing I've ever done in my life and I regret it every day." she explains to me in tears.

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