Chapter 27: Broke Allison Parker.

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Nick's POV.

There are certain mistakes I have made in my life, certain things that I am not proud of and can not take back even if I wanted to, but if I was given the chance to travel back in time, I'd go back to that day I decided to talk to Kayla during that stupid school field trip.

Maybe if I hadn't met her, my life would not be this miserable and maybe, just maybe, Allison and I would be a thing.

But this is not a sci-fi movie, it's real life and it sucks, I can not take back what happened back then, all I can do is sit here and wish all of it away.

"Give me." My mom lets her hand out on the kitchen counter, right next to the scrumbled eggs she made us for breakfast that I haven't touched, Adam has some science fair shit so he had to get out early.

"Excuse me?" I'm confused.

"Give me your phone and your car keys." She demands, taking a bite on an apple and chewing slowly.

"Why?" I'm now lost.

"Because you're grounded." She informs me.

Grounded? That word still exists? I can't remember the last time she grounded me or said the word grounded.

"I didn't do anything."

"Yes you did, I'm punishing you for breaking Allison's heart now hand them over." She extends her hand further to me and takes a second bite on her apple.

I lean back on the chair and sigh.

My mom has been pestering me about this Allison issue since the time she saw Allison rush out of my room, it's not my fault she misunderstood our relationship and our kiss.

If my mom is acting like this, I wonder how the rest are gonna react.

"I didn't break her heart, I just told her I didn't want to be more than friends." I defend myself for what it's worth.

"Don't argue with me, Nick." She says in a serious tone.

Screw my life. I pull out my phone and place it in her hand, she passes it to her left hand then returns the right hand infront of me again.

"I'm not giving you my car." I shake my head, dismissing the issue.

"Yes you are." She's serious.

"How am I supposed to get to school?"

"The bus." She says in a duh tone.

Allison takes the bus.

"Hell no, let me tell Jason to come pick me up atleast." I suggest.

I watch her unlock my phone and text Jason for me.

That should be illegal.

"Done, car keys please." She snaps her fingers, first Allison and now my car.

I officially lost everything I care about.

I kiss my key before giving it to her, she narrows her eyes at me then laughs lightly.

"I'm gonna go before you drive me nuts." She exits the kitchen.

I sit there in total silence for a good ten minutes until I hear Jason honk his car outside like a psychopath.

I need new friends, a new life too.

I pick my backpack from the floor, forcing myself up then dragging myself to the front door.

Jason parked on the street, as I near the car I notice that Miles is in the car as well, I get in the back seat and fist bump both of them.

"What's with the wrong face? Did a rat poop on your pillow this morning." Miles jokes, they both laugh at this awful joke.

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