Chapter 16: Never experienced a party.

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Allison's POV.

My eyes are glued to the TV but my mind keeps whirling around that cringey-awkward moment I had with Nick in the school hallway, I couldn't move or speak when his thumb made contact with my bottom lip. I've never felt my legs become that weak ever in my life, not only did I want him to continue, I needed him to do more than just touch my lips. I seemed to have liked the way he stared into my eyes, it was as if he was searching for something, I liked the way his eyes shifted from my eyes down to my lips while his other hand caressed my stomach and-

Snap out of it!!

Get a hold of yourself, Allison, Jesus.

Oh God, I really do not like this at all, my heart jumps every time I think about it and I have tried to get his face out of my head but I can't. it's all I can think about and to top it off, I agreed to go with Carl to the stupid school dance next Friday.

"Allie!" My mom taps my arm, screaming my name in the process. I jump.

"What?" I respond, sitting up on the couch.

"I have called your name five times, are your ears okay?" she bends my head to check my left ear, I shove her hands away.

"I'm not deaf, mom." I rub my eyes cause they suddenly hurt, I notice that my mom is in her uniform and it's like 8pm. "Are you going to work?" I ask.

"Yes, I exchanged shifts with Mary-"

"But Mom." I whine.

I really hate being left alone in this house at night, I feel like someone is watching me or someone is going to break in and murder me in cold blood.

I watch a lot of murder documentaries.

"It's just for tonight, honey, don't fight with me on this." she leans to kiss my forehead.

My mom seems happier and brighter this week, I didn't tell her about Dad texting me on her birthday because I don't want to take that smile away from her face.

"Can I invite Amanda over?" I ask in a lazy tone.

"Always." She gives me an approving smile then leaves.

I grab my phone from the coffee table to text her, *mom just left, wanna come and sleep over?*

*Be there in less than a flash* she replies, I smile before locking my phone and putting it back on the coffee table.

I think Amanda's endless story telling is going to help me stop thinking about Nick and what happened earlier at school, I'm not the kind of girl that sits around and thinks about boys all day like a lovesick potato.

Well atleast I'm trying not to be.

I head over to the kitchen and pull myself a glass of water which I end up drinking rapidly.

I can't even eat anything since the incidence because my throat feels really heavy and it's hard for me to swallow food.

I hear the doorbell ring.

Well that was fast.

I drop the glass in the sink and I sprint to open the front door, I almost close the door after setting my eyes on the company that she brought with her.

Sofia, Lilian and some chick called Victoria. Lilian rolls her eyes at me while the other two are smiling back at me.

"What are these people doing here?" I ask Amanda, ignoring their presence.

"What do you mean? We are all here to sleep over." Says Sofia, slightly lifting her shoulders.

I have no idea what is happening right now, Sofia and Amanda are now friends and they're cool with sharing the same guy? Am I missing something here or what.

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