Chapter 25: Hate this feeling.

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I'm woken up by Amanda's irritating squeaking voice, she has been singing shake it off by Taylor swift repeatedly, I'm not a morning person and this is supposed to be some kind of a vacation, I plan on waking up around noon or never because I'm not ready to see Nick's gorgeous face again, I just don't know what I'm going to say to him or if I'll be able to look him in the eye after last night.

I don't know what to do, I thought this feeling would disappear by this morning but it's still in me. Pounding.

"Amanda shut up! will you please." I groan with my eyes still closed, I'll lose sleep once I open them.

"Get up, it's a beautiful day outside!" She cheers, I hear her opening the long curtains.

Sundays always seem to be short to me because I think about Mondays all throughout the day.

"Let me enjoy this comfortable bed." I lift the sheets over my head.

Amanda and I ended up sleeping in the boys' bedroom last night, we explained to Jason and Miles about what happened with Sofia and they 'sacrificed' their room for us, Nick wasn't present during the conversation, Miles said he was still taking a stroll on the beach when Amanda asked about him, that relieved and worried me, I asked myself questions like. What is he thinking about? Does he regret it? Does he not? What was he about to tell me before I ran away? But I guess we'll never know.

"C'mon, Allison, something smells nice downstairs, we gotta go eat it." I feel the sheets disappear from my body.

My Mom does this all the time, I just wish they all knew how unpleasant it feels.

"It's probably just Sofia cooking her sorrows away." I force myself up, leaning against the headboard and rubbing my eyes before opening them.

"No it's not, those girls don't even know how a frying pan looks like." She laughs.

She's not wrong, Sofia's hands are so soft I don't think she has ever lifted a plate before, she doesn't even carry her own books to school, she has minions to do that for her.

"True but I still can't go down there." I shrink deeper into the bed, she rolls her eyes at me.

"Allie, you kissed him now you have to talk about it." She says from her 'experience.'

My heart is reacting again.

I hate this feeling so freaking much.

"But I don't wanna talk about it." I whine like a child.

Talking will make it real even though it's already real, I just don't want it to be let's talk about it kind of real.

"Was it that intimate?" She asks.

"I don't know what you mean by that but it was good and I liked it very much." I respond honestly.

Before last night, I used to think making out was highly disgusting and now I'm like gushing about it.


"Out of curiosity, what did you say to him afterwards?" She asks curiously.


"I..ran, faster than the flash." I say slowly in a low tone while looking up at the ceiling and rubbing my temples.

"Oh my gosh, Allison." She laughs loud enough for the entire house to hear her.

Great, laugh at my mistakes.

"Laugh all you want." I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom.

"At least you can say your first kiss was with a hot guy called Nick to your fellow book club members when you're fifty years old." She follows me into the bathroom.

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