Chapter 5: Hungover.

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Nick's POV

"Nick, Nick wake up." someone taps my shoulder repeatedly.

I groan, turning to the other side of my bed with my eyes still closed.

"Get your ass up right now or you'll be late for school!" Screams my Mom.

"I don't wanna go to school." I say in a raspy sleepy tone, lifting my pillow over my head but she yanks it away.

Goddamn it.

My head is pounding, my throat is sore and my body feels like it's vibrating, plus she won't just leave me alone.

I sit up to face her.

"What, Mom? What the hell do you want from me?" I ask, sounding half asleep while running a hand through my fuzzy hair.

"I want you to grow up for God's sake!" She responds in her loud tone.

I don't want to argue with her this morning so I stand up to look for my phone before I head to the shower.

"I told you to get home before midnight, Nick, but you came home around 2AM in the morning and you were drunk as hell." she continues her pestering, I ignore her, looking under my bed for my phone.

Where the hell could that phone be?

"Answer me, damnit!" She raises her voice yet again.

"I'm fucking eighteen years old, Mom, I'm not ten." I respond, flipping my pillows over.

She doesn't respond, I turn to glance at her. She looks sad and disappointed but then again I'm used to her being disappointed in me all the fucking time, Even when Dad was around it was always like this, me against my own parents.

"You used to say he was a bad man but when I look at you..." she pauses while a tear rolls down her cheek, "I see him in you, Nick, you're no different from your father and that's what my problem is." she says in a whisper.

I feel like someone just shot me right in the chest with words and not bullets but it still burns.

"Thanks a lot, Mom" I whisper back, my tone trailing off brokenly.

Fuck showering, I'm going to school without showering, what's the use of it anyway.

I slept in my clothes last night so there's no need to dress up, after finding my phone in the jacket I was wearing last night, I grab my car keys and I head out, leaving my Mom sitting on my bed.

Her harsh words replay in my head during the entire ride to school, I decide to catch up with Jason as soon as I get there, I spot him in the hallway packing books inside his locker.

"Hey, asshole." I greet when I reach him.

He closes his locker and gives me a warm smile.

"Hey greek player." he chuckles.

Greek player?

"Why the fuck would you call me that?" I ask, taken aback.

"Holy shit, he literally doesn't remember what went down last night." he says in a dramatic tone.

"I kinda... Blacked out." I stutter, scratching the back of my head, he laughs at me and I roll my eyes at him.

He looks at me from head to toe like he's studying me for some reason.

"Why are you wearing the same clothes you were wearing last night?" he puts on a disgusted expression.

"I know I smell like rotten alcohol because I didn't shower okay? now get over it and tell me what happened last night." I sound eager to know.

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