Chapter 32: Fight, fight, fight.

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Nick's POV.

"Miles, what are we doing here?" I question as he pulls up to Jason's driveway.

"I was going to tell you earlier but I figured you wouldn't co-operate so we agreed on not telling you about it." He says.

"Telling me about what? And who's we?" I ask.

"Sofia, Lilian and I agreed not to tell you that we were throwing a farewell gathering just for you." He announces.

Fuck me.

I hit my head against my palm repeatedly, "Dude, I don't want a fucking farewell anything seriously." I turn to look at him.

"It's not only for you, it's for us too, all you have to do is be here." He flies his hands in the air before getting out of the car.

I sigh restlessly as I exit his car as well, I spot another car in front, it looks familiar.

"Who's car is that?" I ask, still looking at the yellow Porsche.

"Shit, I think it's Carl's." He says, looking at the car.

Of course it is.

"Yeah, I'm not going in there." I cease my steps, Miles walks to stand in front of me.

"I know him being here also means Allison is here but Lilian must have invited them for a good reason." He shrugs his shoulders.

Reason or no reason, going inside that house would be like placing a deadly bomb on top of my heart.

"I'm sorry, man but I just can't do it." I nod off dismissingly.

"Do what exactly?"

"See her with him, it's already hard enough for me to just... see her." I admit. He places his hands on my shoulders.

"Look dude, I Know it sucks but sometimes we gotta own up to shit, bolting would actually show how weak you are and I know you're no pussy, so don't you dare act like one." He lectures.

His whole speech makes me chuckle.

I still can't believe I hated him once, now his like the best friend I've ever had.

"Okay, let's do this shit." I give in.

We let ourselves into the house without knocking, there are voices coming from the living room and that's where we head.

They're all sitting in a circle that consists of only four people, they all turn to look at Miles and I when we walk in. Makes me want to bolt already.

"The Man of the hour is finally here." Lilian cheers as she picks something that looks like a crown and literally rushes to put it on top of my head then she pecks my cheek.


"Thanks?" It comes out as a question.

"You're welcome, love." She showcases her best smile.

"What? I don't get a kiss on the cheek?" Miles whines to Lilian.

Lilian tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek but he turns his head and she kisses his lips instead. She hits his chest playfully and he giggles. I smile at them. my eyes lock with Allison's but of course she looks away.

This will not be awkward at all.

Miles, Lilian and I take our seats and boom, it gets awkward real fast.

"So where's Jason?" Miles asks to ease the tension.

"He went out with his new friends." Lilian responds, Sofia is busy on her phone and the so called love birds keep whispering bullshit into each other's ears.

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