Chapter 9: Friends.

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The thing I hate about Sundays is that my Mom makes me clean up around the house, starting with my bedroom which is not going so well since I'm not in the mood to clean anything, not even for a million dollars, I just wanna lay in my bed and read a book like one of those people who already made it in life. Is that too much to ask?

I look down at my messy clothes, some on my bed and the rest on the floor. I have a habit of unpacking my clothes and then packing them back neatly everytime I clean my room.

I always ask myself why but I never get an answer.

"Whatchu doing, neighbor?" Nick's irritating voice drags me out of my thoughts which startled me a little bit.

I turn on my heel to face him, he's standing by my doorway with that stupid smirk on his face.

Great, I was wondering when he was going to drop by and torture me for stalking him from my window.

Well I wasn't exactly stalking him, I was just... staring? Admiring? Watching? Looking, yeah that's the word, I was just looking.

"What do you want, Nick?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

He lets himself inside, closing the door behind him, I watch him walk over to my bed and jump on top of it making my white fluffy carpet dirty with his boots.

"Take those things off!" I demand, pointing at the shoes.

"Moody much?" He questions, kicking off his shoes.

"Did my mom really let you up here?" My tone cracks with frustration.

"Yes, there was an emergency at the clinic so she had to run and she left me in charge, now before you ask why. while you were gone with Mr rich boy yesterday, your mom and I became besties." he mutters proudly.

"Oh wow, how nice." I say sarcastically sending him a fake smile and he rolls his eyes at me.

"So how was it?" He sits up, eyeing the clothes next to him on my bed.

Damnit, I hope he doesn't see any bra or underwear, worse a tampon!

I feel my insides turn at the thought of him seeing any of those embarrassing things, he would make my life a living nightmare.

Calm down, Allison.

"How was what exactly?" I act dumb.

I know he's asking about my day with Carl, I really don't know why he cares.

"The date with Carly, did you guys nerd fuck?" He wiggles his brows at me.

"Carl." I correct him.

"I honestly don't give a shit." he rolls his eyes again like the name doesn't matter.

It does. It does matter.

I stay silent for a second, processing the whole thing, I can only think of one thing, the word keeps replaying in my head so I'm just gonna go right ahead and say it.

"Nickolas Adams, are you jealous?" I ask teasingly, tilting my head to one side.

He raises his eyebrows at me then chuckles looking elsewhere, he moves from my bed to where I'm standing. Now we are only one feet apart. He's so tall.

This time I'm not gonna take a step back but God help me if he tries to do anything funny.

"First of all, don't ever call me by my full name ever again, and secondly.." he takes another step towards me, now we're only an inch apart, "Jealous of whom?" He whispers, his eyes flickering down to my body and I literally feel my heart beating like drum sets at a concert.

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