Chapter 6 A Lot of Running

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"GET OFF SHE ELF," Thorin yells and throws Grace off in a fit of rage.

"NEVER!" Grace screams back and throws her body at his. They topple out of the bathroom and into a dresser knocking it over with a bang.

"Stop!" Kili orders but his words are ignored. Thorin pulls out a knife and slices Graces arm in defense. In retaliation Grace kicks Thorin in the chest knocking him into the bed."Stop please!"

"Grace!" I exclaim as she jumps onto Thorin once again raising the spoon above her head.

"Elf scum," Thorin hisses.

"Dwarf filth," Grace counters and thrusts the spoon downwards.

"STOP," I demand feeling a rush if warmth and power, Divinity. Grace, Thorin, and Kili instantly freeze and stare at me. "Good now everyone needs to CALM THE FUCK DOWN! Grace get off Thorin. Thorin don't walk in on me and Kili just stop!"

"What did I do?"

"Shut up," I growl.

"Allie you are glowing calm down," Grace orders getting off Thorin. "How did you do that?"

"Sorry, nothing I didn't do anything I just yelled. Now excuse me so I can get dressed in peace," I stammer out and rush into the bathroom locking the door behind me.




"I'm not sorry dwarf and I wouldn't regret spooning your eyes out," I state and shove Thorin with Kili out the door. Allie is out if the bathroom fully dressed seconds later looking better than before. She's wearing a short red dress with black armor and a red cape that goes to the floor.

We all stopped and got new clothes in the tailor shop. Emily got a short purple dress with black armor. Sam got a short grey blue dress with brown shoulder pads. Alex got a knee length green dress with a dark green shawl and gold accents topped with full body armor. I got black legging with a black blouse and a brown flowy easy to move in dress over and a red cape. Allie insisted we get matching red capes.

"Braid my hair?" she asks and I nod. Allie sits in front of me and I braid what's left of the front if her hair. One part got cut off but no one speaks about it.

"Allie that wasn't nothing when you said stop I physically had to stop," I murmur.

"Don't ask please Grace," Allie begs.

"Fine, but I wouldn't do it again. The company might get suspicious," I advise and Allie nods. I know she's keeping things from me but I'm keeping things from her too, a lot of things. Suddenly someone knocks on our door.

"Guys Emily and Sam are gone!" Alex shouts and opens the door.

"What how? Sam is drunk off her ass and Emily is napping where could they have gone!" I ask incredulous. "You're drunk too!"

"They aren't in their room come on," Alex says. "And I drank a few dozen glasses of water I'm pretty sober now."

"Alright let's go look in their room for hints," Allie sighs deeply as if she's disappointed and we all file out of our room. Fili is waiting for us in the hallway looking worried and Allie affectionately pats him on the back.

"I'm sure they just went for a walk," Allie assures. Fili nods gratuitously and Alex opens the door to Sam and Emily's room. Sam and Emily are both sitting inside looking a little worse for wear but in one piece.

"Hi guys!" Sam greets excitedly waving her hand. She's still drunk.

"Hello," Emily mumbles and is instantly enveloped in a hug from Fili. "Oh! hi there."

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