Chapter 25 Fucktown

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The plan we came up with is shit but it's the only one we've got. 

In the corner of my eye I see what are presumably spies loitering around. Bard ignores them and ushers Bain, his son, and I forward. I gulp glancing at the cold deep water knowing my friends are swimming for their lives down there. Well Emily, Kili, and Alex are being dragged. The water isn't going to help Alex's wounds. Bard leads us up the stairs and is about to open the door and walk in when he turns to look at two fisherman that aren't fishing.

"You can tell the Master I'm done for the day," Bard states and tosses one an apple. Then we walk inside and shut the door.

"Da! Where have you been?" a short girl, with brown hair tied up in a knot, asks. She rushes into Bards waiting arms and squeezes her father tightly.

"Father, there you are. I was worried," an older girl with similar features exclaims and hugs Bards as well.

"Who's this?" they both ask looking at me. I smile and fluff my wings nervously.

"I'm Allie." They both nod and raise eyebrows at the wings.

"Are you an angel?" the younger one inquires.

"Of sorts," I reply shyly.

"Will she bring us luck?"

"Definitely Tilda. Here, Sigrid," Bard answers cheerfully, ruffles Tilda's hair, and hands the bag he was carrying to the older one, Sigrid. "Bain, get them in." Bain nods and runs down some stairs to the bottom of the house where the toilet is; I follow after him to help. Bain gives the toilet wall two solid knocks, the signal, and Dwalin raises his dad out of the toilet seat.

"If you speak of this to anyone, I'll rip your arms off," Dwalin growls even still Bain offers him a hand which Dwalin rejects. "Get off." Dwalin drags himself out of the water then pulls Ori out after him. Alex is shoved up a second later and I grab her. Kili comes p after her and Bain helps him. Emily is brought up with Fili. Sam practically leaps out bringing Bilbo with her. Their new soulmate needs a little boost but so does Lacy. The rest of the dwarves make it up okay. Thorin comes last like a fateful leader.

"Up there," Bain directs to the onset of dwarves.

"You alright?" I question and grab his forearm. His safety concerns me even though he's a jerk.

"Da, why are there dwarves coming out of our toilet?" Sigrid asks shakily eyeing the group of us concerned.

"I'm fine," Thorin grumbles and pushes my arm off. I ignore the stab of sorrow that goes through my heart when he does. I will not turn into a weepy girl over him.

"Will they bring us luck?" Tilda questions and Bard chuckles.

"Maybe sweet Tilda maybe."




I wake up with my face in a fire. Fili is waving a flaming stick over my arms. He's kneeling besides me with a hopeful look.

"Clever way to wake me fast," I praise and yawn. Fili grins, warming my heart, and takes a step back so I can sit up. Making a split decision I put my hand behind his neck and being him down to my level for a burning kiss.

"What was that for?" he murmurs in a daze.

"Because I love you," I whisper, blinking slowly. Fili's smile spreads across his face to each of his ears.

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