Chapter 16 Please Remember

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This chapter was inspired by Taylor Swifts Wildest Dreams and I recommend listening to it while reading. Here is a link to a cover I like.




"Eleni we're going into town today. I need to buy blue fabric," Sane, my sister, orders. She's leaning on my door frame with her arms crossed. I glance up at her and frown.

"YOU CHEATER! We're over Len!" Sane screams and a black haired elf. He's got a blue eyed elleth in his arms and they were obviously kissing.

"Fine!" The elf, Lan I assume, screams back.

"This is because there was rumors about the king visiting isn't it?" I ask raising and eyebrow. I don't even flinch at the vision when I see her. I'm used to it every time I look into her eyes I see it. It is an end. "It'll be crowded it can't be safe."

"Fine you got me. That and Lan that cute apprentice asked me to meet him," Sane admits twirling her long very dark brown hair in her hand. I bite my lip to keep from shouting 'NO.' I'm not supposed to meddle with fate. I just see ends. But I really don't need to go into town. I don't want to see the the king.

"You go I'm good," I say dismissively.

"Please Eleni! Please please please!" Sane begs getting on her knees.

"Alright I need to get parchment anyway," I relent and lock the papers I was writing in my drawer. I then stand up and pull a purple cloak on over my white purple tinted dress dress. Sane has a matching blue tinted white one they are identical long sleeved floor length dress.

"I wish you would tell me what you write. What's so secret about it anyway?" Sane inquires as she pulls on a thick blue cloak.

"It's all the ends I see. When I die I want them released and archived. Someone like me is going to come along one day and they'll need guidance," I explain and slip my arm in hers.

Together we leave our small four person house and make our way through the forest path to town.

When we get into town it's insanely crowded, elleths mostly. Chatter of seeing the king float throughout the air. I examine the area and sigh in relief when I don't see the king. His name is Thranduil Oriphin and it matches the one tattooed on my neck. That's why I don't want to see him. He is my soulmate and I don't want see any of his ends.

"I'm gonna go see Lan, Eleni you have go find your parchment," Sane tells me the disappears into the crowd.

I pull my hood up and carefully navigate to the book shop. Once inside I quickly but the things I need.

"Hello there Eleni is this all?" Ian the shopkeeper asks. I met this gaze and smile.

"Goodbye my love," Sharon cries clutching his hand. "Goodbye." Ian half smirks back before taking his last breath.

"No Ian thank you. By the way how's Sharon?" I ask gritting my teeth together as I hand over payment.

"She's great. I'll tell her you asked. Have a nice day now," Ian says and waves as I leave.

"You too."

Elleths are still swarming outside but now they are squealing while a carriage goes through the road at a mid speed pace. I shove past the elleths and storm to the fabric shop. Sane and Lan are chatting away dangerously close to the road. I groan and speed walk to them as the carriage approaches. The coach isn't paying attention so when Sane steps backward and trips into the road it's a bad situation.

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