Chapter 30 Tricking A Dragon

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I fly to duck behind one of the many stone pillars while scanning for Emily. I see her hiding under a set of stairs with a hand over her mouth. I mimic her movement to keep from breathing to loudly and hold a millions screams of utter terror in.

"I smell you. I hear your breath. I feel your air. Where are you? Where are you?!" Smaug questions loudly. I hear more shifting coins and dare a peak. He's up and looking for Bilbo. Maybe he doesn't notice that there's more than one of us?

Bilbo is completely gone. How I don't know and I can't care right now. Suddenly I see coins shifting and forming a other away from Smaug. That must be Bilbo running as he should. Smaug grins and follows the movements. I desperately try to form a plan but I can't fly out and get Bilbo, risking being flamed. I see the coins stop moving behind a pillar.

"Come, now. Don't be shy. Step into the light," Smaug coaxes with a huge smirk on his face. Yavanna, I wanna stab him in the eye. Smaug looks around and I immediately slam my back against the pillar I'm behind. I hope he didn't see me.

"Mm. There is something about you. Something you carry. Something made of gold. But far more...precious," Smaug remarks coolly. Peering around again I see Bilbo. Oh wait I can see Bilbo! He's gasping and panting and now Smaug can see him too!!

"Nononononono," I whisper panicky. I have to do something! Bilbo catches my eyes and mouths "no." I freeze and stay still.

"There you are, thief in the shadows." Bilbo clears his throat and steps back from Smaug and the pillar.

"I did not come to steal from you, oh Smaug, the unaccessibly wealthy. I merely wanted to gaze upon your magnificence. To see if you really were as great as the old tales say," Bilbo's voice climbs an octave with each sentence till he squeaks. "I did not believe them." Smaug grins and steps around Bilbo to stand tall and proud revealing his entire stature.

"And do you now?" he booms. That's when I catch site of the scale-less spot under his left wing. Bain was telling the truth!

"Truly. The tales and songs fall utterly short of your enormity, oh Smaug, the stupendous," Bilbo compliments shakily. I forget to breath as Smaug leans in close to Bilbo.

"Do you think flattery will keep you alive?" I seize and I swear I can hear my own heart thumping.

"No. No," Bilbo stutters.

"No indeed. You seem familiar with my name. But I don't remember smelling your kind before. Who are you and where do you come from, may I ask?" Oh please do not tell the dragon where the Shire is Bilbo, please. Bilbo opens his mouth then stops and stares at the ground. I look and see a shining jewel that glow brightly with different colors. That has to be the Arkenstone.

"I...I come from under the hill," Bilbo stammers and I breathe sigh of relief. With a split second decision I dart to another pillar closer to a Bilbo incase a last minute rescue is needed. Smaug doesn't notice he's too wrapped up in scaring the shit out of Bilbo.

"Underhill?" Bilbo nods rapidly and talks a step closer to the shining jewel.

"And under hills and over hills my path has led. And...and through the air, I am he who walks unseen," Bilbo rambles. The title peeks the dragons interest. Thank Yavanna.

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