Chapter 13 Spiders

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"Emily hang on!" Bilbo pleads.

"What do we do?" I ask frantically. Emily is laying on the floor bleeding badly from her stomach. The words DEREN PLANKER carved into her.

"We can't causterize it or stitch it she'll surely die of pain! Get some heavy anesthetic from the market! RUN ALLIE RUN!" Bilbo orders and presses his hands to Emilys stomach to try and stop the bleeding. I dash out of the room but trip on something steel before I make it out. I look down and grab the object. It's a steel skeleton key emeralds encrusted in it. I pocket it then everything slowly fades.

I slowly wake up to arguing and shuffling around me. That dream was odd...It was my near death experience but my place was switched with Emily. My pocket feels heavier but I feel absolutely spent so I don't reach to check.

First thing I notice is that my legs are wrapped around someone's waist, that someone has their hands under my legs to hold me up, and my wings are wrapped around that someone. I also notice that someone has a short beard and that someone is Thorin Oakenshield King Under The Mother Fucking Mountain.

I hear quiet hissing and screams.

"Thorin what's going on?" I mumble and try to move but there is no energy to draw movement from.

"Allie-" loud hissing and a sharp pain in my lower back cuts him off.

"Agh Thorin w-" I can't finish because my blood is suddenly on fire. The pain takes over and cancels my thoughts.




Allie and Thorin were the first to be snatched up by the spiders. The rest of the dwarves got picked off one by one from there till Alex, Kili, Grace, and I were the only ones left. The only reason we weren't caught was because Grace, Fili, Kili, and Alex are perfectly synchronized to fight. The fighting didn't hold them off for long though soon we were surrounded. They formed a tight circle around me because I can't fight to save my life, literally.

"Grace can't you shift into full on monster wolf and help us out here?" Kili asks nervously fiddling with his sword and slashes a nearing spider.

"I can only aim the wolf not control it. It's too dangerous. Besides I'm terrified of spiders so that could affect the wolf," Grace explains and throws a knife into a large spiders skull.

"Scared if spiders really I can't tell?" I utter in surprise.

"I've learned to hide my emotions," Grace grunts and shoots a spider down with her bow. 

"I've noticed," Kili snarks, ducking under a spider stinger then cutting it off speedily.

"Well I can do something," Alex states and her skin starts flaming up from the inside.

"That is so cool," I whisper in awe.

"Alex don't you'll burn the forest down!" Fili yells as he cuts down another attacker. We seem to have spread out slightly to fight.

"I can control what burns an what doesn't," Alex snaps back and starts growing in height. Suddenly the fire stops and she seizes up before falling over a spider behind her. "Now we're fucking screwed," Alex grumbles before blacking out. Kili falls after her instantly without a spider even touching him. It's their heightened bond fully connecting them. Grace and Fili fall soon after leaving me.

"Oh no what to do what to do?" I mumble frantically and check my pack for any weapon. Then I remember Elrond gave me a horn to blow if I needed help!

"Okay Lacy this is an important horn don't lose it. If you ever need help blow it," Elrond informs and hands it to me.

"If I need help! I thought this trip was safe!" I exclaim.

"It's for precaution Lacy."

"Precatuion of what I thought you said I'd be perfectly safe!" I say nervously.

"Calm down Lacy it's just in case of a worst case scenario," Elrond assures.

"What kind if worst case scenario! I'm gonna a die aren't I?"

"No nonsense you'll be fine. You'll catch up with the dwarves, and Sam surely. Now just don't lose the horn or your horse," Elrond directs and lightly shoves me out the door.

"What!? What if Alex and Graces assassin students come after us? What I I die!?!"

"Their students dont live in elven forests."

"Where do they live? Am I passing through?" I ask frantically on the verge of tears.

"Just go Lacy." I sigh and nod a horrified look on my face.

Pulling it out I blow long and hard before I feel a sharp stab in my back, burning, then blackness.




I'm carried off to where I assume is the spider's nest. I wasn't bitten so things are mostly clear to me.  I'm wrapped loosely in spiders web allowing enough movement to grab my sword. The spider hisses and crawls over me examining my body. I take a chance and jab my sword upward into its abdomen. The spider lets out a growl before dying and falling off the branch. Grinning in triumph I rip the web's off and stand up.

Further off I can see the company hung up completely surrounded. Slipping on my ring I creep ever closer to it. Oddly the spiders incoherent hisses suddenly makes sense.

"Kill them. Kill them! Eat them now while all their blood is running," one spider chants.

"Their hide is tough. This could be juicy inside," another spider observes poking an especially large sack, probably Bombur. The sack wiggles and kicks the second spider.

"Stick it again. Stick it again. Finish it off!" spider one demands.

"The meat's alive and kicking!" spider two states.

"Kill them, kill them now. Let us feast, feast, feast. Feast, feast!" spider one cheers.

"Kill them now!" spider two agrees as I slowly pick up a tree branch.

"Feast! Feast!" spider one yells and the spiders start to close in on the wrapped up company. Taking my chance I throw the branch off to the left. My diversion works and soon they are all crawling towards the sound. "What is it? What is it? What is it?!" I almost sigh in relief but not all of them left. A big fat greedy one stayed behind to eat Bombur in peace.

"Fat and juicy! Just a little taste," the fat spider hisses and grabs Bomburs trapped form with its legs. I move quickly, run up and slice at its back. The spider jerks around and lunges at me but I just swing my sword at its legs. "Curse it! Where is it? Where is it?"

"Here!" I taunt and rip off the ring before stabbing it in the head.

"It stings! It stings!" The spider wails then falls off the branch, dead.

"Sting. That's a good name. Sting," I mumble to myself. Then smirking in pride I start to cut the company down one by one. As they hit the ground they start moving and pulling their webs off.

"Where's Bilbo?" Bofur shouts.

"Wheres my tiny boyfriend?" Sam yells.

"I'm up here!" I call out blushing madly. Sam's so fierce and blunt.

"Bilbo I'm coming stay where you are!" Sam yells. Out of nowhere a spider lunges at me from under the I cry out and stab it in the stomach. The spider hisses and curls in on itself and me before taking us both off he branch and plummeting down down down.

"BILBO BILBO! Motherfucking spider! I'm gonna personally introduce you to my battle axe!" Sam screams she obviously saw what happened with her elf eyes.

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