Chapter 21 Barrel O Dwarves

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The burning runes alarm me but I can't worry. We have to escape, in full ball attire and entirely weaponless.

"Ori!" Dwalin calls loudly and grabs Ori's hand as we walk down the stairs in pairs.

"Everyone stay quiet, there are guards nearby!" Natalie scolds as we clamber down the stares. Grace, Tauriel, Lacy, Alex, and Sam are all in heels while Emily, Natalie, and I get to get away with being barefoot. Tauriel and Legolas couldn't change without looking suspicious so they are suffering as well. "This way." Natalie guides us into a wine cellar. The dwarves hesitate while Bilbo, Sam, Lacy, and I walk in right away. I need to leave.

"Lacy be careful in that gown my little star," Tauriel chides.

"Come on!" Natalie snaps at the dwarves.

"I don't believe it, we're in the cellars!" Kili exclaims.

"Thank you captain obvious," Alex snorts.

"You're supposed to be leading us out not further in!" Bofur argues.

"I know what I'm doing!" Natalie claims and pushes the dwarves further into the cellar.

"Listen to her," Grace orders and the dwarves obey out of fear

"Okay, this way. This way," Natalie says and points to a bunch of stacked barrels.

"I can hear loud yelling and clanging they've discovered you're gone," Tauriel alerts.

"Everyone, climb into the barrels, quickly!" Legolas rushes. Lacy rips her gown down and ducks into one, Emily, Bilbo, and Sam follow in suit. The dwarves stand stubbornly crossing their arms.

"Are you mad? They'll find us!" Dwalin whisper yells.

"No, no. They won't! I promise you. Please, please, you must trust me!" Natalie begs and I give Thorin a death glare. My wings are tucked uncomfortably against me because for some reason I can't make then go back in. They won't go back.

"Do as she says!" Thorin orders and the dwarves reluctantly climb into the barrels.

"Tauriel Legolas Grace aren't you coming?" I inquire a hint of worry in my voice.

"No Allie we must stay," Grace says shaking her head. My hope crumples. Grace has been by my side this whole journey she cannot go now.

"What!? Grace why?" I ask.

"Allie this journey is going to bring more to light than just a dragon. I have recently been reminded that I am a princess and I need to watch after my kingdom," Grace explains in a serous time. I hear what she says, but to me it sounds like I'm being annoying and she needs to let go of being my sidekick in life.

"Grace you cannot leave me now, after everything-"

"Allie we will speak of this later," she hisses, cutting me off.

"What do we do now?" Bofur questions sticking his head out.

"Hold your breath," Natalie tells Bofur.

"Hold me breath? What do you mean?" Sam asks.

"Gr-" Natalie pulls a lever and we go plunging down into a cold river below. "GRACE!" The water is cold and my wings and dress are instantly soaked.

"Go, come on let's go!" Thorin herds the dwarves and grabs my barrel. We start to paddle with our hands till the river picks up.

"Hold on! Waterfall ahead!" Balin warns. We fall down the waterfall and are sent downstream with newly alarmed elves chasing after us.

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