Chapter 5 Flame Hero

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So I admit going after whoever took Sam alone wasn't my brightest idea but there wasn't time to get anyone.

So now here I am silently walking after the kidnapper in the woods clutching a knife.

I follow after them for awhile till they stop in a clearing. A fire is lit in the clearing and two men sit near it. One is a great deal shorter than the other. Empty bottles if rum litter the clearing, if Allie saw this she'd be pissed.

The kidnapper drags Sam into the center of the clearing and props her up right. Sam mumbles something and cracks open her eyes. She is still out of it.

"Freaking evil hobbits," Sam slurs and I take a double take of the shorter man by the fire. His feet are furry and his ears pointy he is a hobbit!

"Shut up!" the evil hobbit hisses and hits Sam over the head with a log knocking her out. The evil hobbit turns and his face is revealed in the light of the fire. I stop in my tracks and my knees go weak.

"Oh no," I whisper and crumple to my knees. Fear and anxiety clamp down on my heart. It's my father Togo. How is he here? He must have followed us!

"You brought the wrong girl! Does this girl have black hair?" Togo demands yanking Sam's hair. "Does this girl look like a hobbit?" Togo snaps and I freeze I was supposed to be kidnapped?

"No but this one was with the black haired hobbit and look here," the henchmen explains and grabs Sam's wrists roughly. Togo looks at the fire mark with the EW on it and nods suddenly understanding.

"Emily will surely come for her precious soul bond and when she does I will finally make her pay for taking her mother's life!" Togo growls and I wince. That's what he's thought ever since that fateful day. I suppose it's what he needed to think.

The henchmen roughly drag Sam to a tree and tie her up.

"It's your fault! It is all your fault you worthless little bastard!" Dad screams and waves the kitchen knife.

"Dad no stop stop STOP," I wail when he gets closer and closer with the knife.

"You're not wrong," I declare but I'm still hiding.

"Who said that?" Togo demands looking around.

"Who do you think?" I ask and move to a new hiding spot.

"Emily are you here?" Togo growls pulling a knife from his boot.

"Yes father I am and you have angered me highly," I hiss and burn the knot of the rope holding Sam against the tree.

"Is that so then why did you never fight me back in the Shire?" he questions and I look into the fire in the center and make it blow out. The henchmen eyes widen and they run off into the forest. Of course my father is aligning himself with cowards.

"You know why I never fought you back. You killed him! But now I have a chance and I am going to take it," I growl and have the fire crackle out of the makeshift pit and encircle him an Sam protectively.

"Yes I killed him and I laughed when he died. I watched as the light left his little eyes and you did too!"

"Father you will never hurt me again! Mother's death was not my fault and you know that! I am going to the rangers and reporting you!" I scream the one day when I'd had enough.

"You will not and if you do Lucas will get what you get everyday!" Dad threatens and backs into Lucas's room.

"Don't touch him or so help me-"

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