Chapter 18 Dinner With The King

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Alex and I showed the dwarves around and got them rooms. Dwalin and Ori paired up, (much to Dori's dismay) Dori and Nori paired up, Bifur and Bofur paired up, Balin and Thorin paired up, and Oin and Gloin paired up. Kili went with Alex to her room, I went with Legolas to our shared room, and Tauriel carried Lacy off to her room. Allie had her own room because I won't allow anyone to sleep with her, Fili joined Emily in the room she already has, and Bombur slept alone as well because he takes up one bed. Sam also has a room for two, she's waiting for Bilbo to be found.

"Allie I know you like to cuddle but I haven't seen my soulmate in years and I'd like to spend time with him," I tell her.

"So I have to sleep alone?" Allie asks eyes big and begging.

"Yes because Emily's with Fili, Alex with Kili, Sam with Bilbo, and Lacy with Tauriel," I explain.

"What about the other dwarves?"

"I don't trust them. Now go get settled," I order and she pouts, before turning stomping into her room, and locking the door.

"Quite the spitfire isn't she?" Legolas asks and I turn to face him grinning. I missed him greatly.

"Yes she is. Now how have things been since I've left? Haven't met anyone new have you?" I tease.

"No I'm not letting you go for the world," Legolas promises and I pull him in close.

"Good cause I'm too selfish to let you go either," I admit and lean forward allowing our lips to meet.


Legolas and I spent the rest of the afternoon together messing around in the castle and renewing our bond. An hour or so before seven we parted ways so I could visit my sister's grave.


I slowly walk through the castle to the far back halls and through the back gates. They open to a fenced in courtyard built for graves. There is only two graves there. Elves live forever and rarely die even with the spiders we live.

After the late queen an antidote was discovered and added too all the food in the kingdom. The queen is one grave and my sister the other.

There would be more with my parents deaths but it was decided they don't deserve a grave near the queen because of their murderous ways and they were burned along with my old house.

When an elf dies they are dressed in their best clothes and immortalised in a glass case above ground forever. A statue is also made to stand at the head of the case.

The queen lies peacefully in her case. Her statue has an arm extended in an inviting manner and a fond smile on her face. The statue is carved of marble and colored beautifully. The queens favorite flower, Lavender Roses, grow all around her.

Laurel's grave is on the queens left a few feet away. Her brown hair frames her face, and she lies with a gentle smile wrinkling the snowflake birthmark she was born with. She's dressed in a soft brown dress. It was her favorite. Laurels statue is of her kneeling with her hands folded in her lap. A wide grin on her face and small dandelions growing at her feet. It was her favorite flower.

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