Chapter 27 Celebration

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"WELCOME!" I breath a sigh of relief when the masters reply echoes over the crowd. Bard glares at us and I give him a soft look. He goes to storm away but I catch his sleeve.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper. "You're probably right about everything but I swear I will do everything in my power to not let that happen."

"You really are the angel aren't you?" Bard replies lowly. He's still angry.

"Not yet," I say barely above a whisper then let him storm off. My gaze follows him and I sigh. I'm just so consumed by hopelessness. The crowd cheers oblivious to the terror they've brought upon themselves while the dwarves preen.

"Welcome, and thrice welcome king under the mountain!" the master yells raising the cheers and whistles.  "NOW LET US CELEBRATE!"

"Oh no," Sam mutters.

"Yay a party I need a drink!" I exclaim my mood changing drastically.

"What happens when she drinks?" Jacob inquires.

"Bad things," Emily replies before the celebrations starts assembling. Lakemen pull out instruments and the guards bring out wines and ales while others bring tables and chairs.

"Guys we most likely have one last night of pure undaltered joy before this quest continues as is. So let us enjoy it!" I cheer loudly and head on the dance area spreading my wings and letting them help me in a flow of nice movements.

"I'm with her!" Lacy agrees and follows me into the dance area. The others dwarves nod respectively head after me or grab some ale. I see Sam and Bilbo drag Jacob up to dance. Both Sam and Jacob take turns twirling Bilbo.

Lacy has let her hair down and is moving wildly.

Ori has forced Dwalin to dance with him while Dori is distracted by Nori.

Fili is happily dancing with Emily and they both look the happiest I've seen in this whole journey. The rest of the dwarves are riddled in the crowd joking and drinking but Thorin is off to the side sulking. I forgo dancing and my plans to get drunk and approach him.

"You should dance or drink or something instead of sulk," I suggest pointedly.

"I've no time for petty things," Thorin snipes crossing his arms. I admit to admit his intense stubbornness but it is so annoying.

"Petty things like this keep the company's morale up unlike you who tears it down," I retort. "Come on and dance with me."

"I don't dance I do battle," Thorin mumbles. "On the ground unlike you."

"No one is fighting anyone we're all dancing, on the ground!" I exclaim throwing my hands in the air in frustration. "Thorin come on, if you are too cowardly to admit you kind of love me, or even kiss me again you at least have to dance with me." Thorins face softens and he uncrossea his arms to grab my hand.

"I'm no coward so I will give you one dance," Thorin agrees and I beam. I'll soften this stone king yet.

"Thank you king flowers," I say remembering the time I crowned him flower king after leaving the Carrock.

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