Chapter 31 Sword Of Fire

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Bard left along with Bain leaving Sigrid, Tilda, Fili, Oin, and I to try to do something to heal Kili. Alex doesn't really need healed so much as Kili. If Kili is healed she'll stop being affected by the poison. But her eye and face will still be gouged.

I just really wish Tauriel would get here! She knows elvish healing magic and she'd comfort me. I'm not meant for this. I'm not meant to go on journeys, fight, or see such sorrow.




No one moves and the mountain quakes again. Allies scream seems to keep echoing and I look at the dwarves

"Give them more time," Thorin says coldly.

"Time to do what? To be killed?" Balin snaps.

"You're afraid," Thorin accuses.

"Yes, I'm afraid. I fear for you. A sickness lies upon that treasure horde. A sickness which drove your grandfather mad," Balin retorts and I shift. They need help and they need it now. We've no time for this!

"I am not my grandfather."

"You're not yourself. The Thorin I know would not hesitate to go in there," Balin counters crossing his arms.

"I will not risk this quest for the life of two burglars," Thorin spits out. I'm floored this is not the Thorin who danced with Allie last night or the one who was crowned flower king.

"Bilbo. Allie. Their names are Bilbo and Allie," I growl out. Turning around I stomp back in and lift my hands ablaze. I will help.




"Oh another thief only this one has wings," Smaug observes coyly and I run across the coins to Bilbo. He grabs my hand and we dash behind a different set of stairs. Luckily Smaug is still playing a game so we aren't dead yet.
"It's Oakenshield. That filthy dwarvish usurper. He sent you in here for the Arkenstone, didn't he!" Bilbo makes me sidestep and that's when I catch sight of the Arkenstone again.

"No! No, no, no. I don't know what you're talking about," Bilbo squeaks.

"We came to see your magnificence," I add.

"Don't bother denying it. I guessed his foul purpose some time ago. But it matters not. Oakenshield's quest will fail. A darkness is coming. It will spread to every corner of the land," Smaug remarks offhanded. I look at Bilbo nervously. He doesn't know it but I do. I know what's coming and I know what I'm supposed I do. Bilbo tugs my hand and pulls me under more stairs to press against them.

Smaug may be playing a game but he doesn't care whether his pawns break or not. His claws grab at us and he hisses.

"You are being used, thieves in the shadows. You were only ever a means to an end. The coward Oakenshield has weighed the value of your life and found it worth nothing." His words echo loudly in my head and I squeeze my eyes shut. Thorin wouldn't say that. Thorin would come for us, for me.

"No. No, you're lying!" I shout.

"What did he promise you? A place on the throne next to him? A share of the treasure? As if it was his to give. I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it!" Smaug yells and stomps. The Arkenstone goes clinking away once again. Extending my wings I fly after it dodging Smaugs claws.

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