Chapter 4 Drinking, Spooning, and Sleeping

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After everyone's rooms are settled some of the dwarves go off to bed while others stay up at the bar. It is decorated nicely, very rustic, and traditional. It was is a good sized bar not too big or small. We are alone in the inn and bar no one else seems to even be in the town.

"I can have one drink before I take a bath," Allie insists and reaches to grab a pint.

"No, no Allie that's not what you need right now," I butt in and grab the cuff on her wrist.

"What do you mean what I need right now? I'm fine a little shaken, pissed off about the cuff, and sort of beat up but fine," Allie argues.

"Allie what she means is you have three drunk modes. The first crazy happy, the second sad and completely wrecked, and the third pissed off as hell," Alex interjects. "We've seen the first two and we don't want to see the third."

"Fine! I'm gonna go bathe, don't get into trouble while I'm gone," Allie huffs and stomps up to her room.

"Thank Aule chaos averted," I sigh in relief.

"What is the pissed off as hell drunk mode like?" Kili asks curiously.

"You don't want to know," Emily, Alex, Bilbo, and I respond at the same time.

"Well I do actually," Sam pipes up.

"No you don't, trust me. Now I'm going to go have a nice long nap in our fireplace Sam. Have fun but not to much," Emily excuses herself and walks away.

"She's odd," Bofur comments.

"And beautiful," Fili sighs dreamily.

"Wait won't her clothes burn off?" Nori wonders out loud and Sam instantly has her battle axe aimed at his throat.

"EMILY LOCK THE DOOR!" Sam yells and gives Nori a death glare.

"I'm gonna go to my bed," Nori whispers and slowly backs away.

"Yeah and take a cold freaking bath pervert!" Sam orders and straps her ace back onto her back.

"Yes yes!" Nori says frantically and runs to his room.

"I like you. Grace can we keep her?" Alex asks me.

"I'd say so," I agree and smile approvingly.

"Thank you...I guess?" Sam mutters and raises her eyebrow.

"How about a friendly drinking contest?" Fili proposes.


"NO EMILY! Alcohol instantly burns up in your system cheater!" Bilbo shouts cutting off Emily. We hear a loud groan from her room and then silence.

"I agree it might be fun," I say and raise my hand for the bartender.


"A round for us," I order.

"Coming right up." Minutes later the bartender places drinks on the table.

"Alright who's in?" Alex asks.

"Me," Sam volunteers.

"I will," Thorin mutters and shrugs.

"Us too," Fili and Kili chime in.

"Put me in too!" Bilbo suddenly volunteers. I raise an eyebrow at him. He's very outgoing around Sam. I think he's trying to impress her.

"I guess I will also why not?" Bofur says.

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