Chapter 32 Elvish Medicine

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"What do you need to do your magic?" I ask Tauriel.

"Athelas." Looking around I see none on the shelves or on the floor. Suddenly Bofur runs in holding some.

"I got the kings foil!" he announces and Tauriel grabs it to examine it closer.

"Athelas," she muses smiling to herself. "Athelas."

"Uh what are you doing?" Bofur asks apprehensively.

"I'm going to save him," Tauriel states.




With a grunt I swing my sword and the fire stops. Like I cut it straight down the middle.

"You are strange yes. You have wings and strange magic. Why you must be that stupid angel! I've never had angel before," Smaug chuckles and I gulp. This puny sword can't save me now.




Allie might be dead. I need to get to the dwarves. I have the Arkenstone but I don't think I should give it to Thorin. Quickly as I can I scramble up the stairs to the entrance we came from. I see Thorin walk through behind Emily and I dash to them.

"You're alive," Thorin remarks, disbelieving. I pant and stop leaning over.

"Not for much longer," I say.

"Where's Allie!?" Emily asks looking around frantic.

"She somehow stopped the dragons fire. I don't know if she made it," I reply and when I hear myself say those words I stop short. Allie may not have made it.

"Did you find the Arkenstone?" Thorin asks uncaring to Allie's maybe death and our almost death. I can't believe him. My best friend might be dead!

"The dragon's coming!" I snap and walk forward to try and herd them out of the mountain.

"The Arkenstone? Did you find it?" I pause and look at him shocked.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?! We might be seconds from death and Allie may already be gone! Do you only care for that rock!" Emily exclaims angrily. Her arms are extended and fire burns from them.

"No I didn't find it there! Now we have to get out. The dragon is coming," I repeat and take a step forward. Thorin holds his sword in front of the door and points it at my chest. Emily pauses and drops her arms. Our leader is holding me at sword point.

"Thorin!" Emily snaps and grabs his arm. "I will burn your arm off I swear to Yavanna!" Thorin pauses and that's when a huge stomp directs our attention to Smaug. He stands at the end of the room with a wicked grin on his face. Allie is nowhere in sight.

"Oh shit," Emily swears just as all the dwarves Sam and Jacob barrel in. Smaug starts angrily stomping towards us and we stare glued to the spot for a second.

"You will burn!" he hisses and that's when Thorin moves. Sam and Jacob grabs my arms dragging me along with the dwarves who run.

"Come on!" Thorin shouts and we jump right off the staircase as fire pours over.
Quickly we scramble into a small passage Thorin is last. Just as he runs in the dragon breathes more fire right into the small hallway. "Agh!" He dashes in with his coat on fire. Emily holds out her hand and it disappears completely. Thorin tosses the jacket away and glares.

"We need to figure out a plan."




Tauriel crushes the Athelas in a bowl moving very quickly to prepare it. Oin Fili and Bofur carry Kili to the table as he moans and yells.

"Hold him down," Tauriel orders and the three dwarves hold his arms and legs. Kili kicks and squirms so I help. Tauriel looks at the wound and presses the Athelas against it firmly. Kili screams and jerks making it harder to hold him down.

"Tilda!" Sigrid snaps and her little sister come to help. Tauriel looks at Kili and starts chanting. Lacy stares at Tauriel as she recites the incantation. Kili suddenly stops moaning and squirming. He just stares at Tauriel with this insanely shocked look. Instantaneously Alex gasps and her eye flies open.




I keep a grip on Bilbo's hand and so does Jacob as we creep along. Thorin led us out of the tiny room and into a bigger hall. Slowly we started to tiptoe back into the treasure room. The dwarves all abruptly stop when Thorin holds up his hand.

"Ssh. Ssh-ssh," he whispers and we all look around. I see nothing for a long ways.

"We've given him the slip," Dori murmurs and Dwalin shakes his head.

"No, he's too cunning for that," he says.

"So where to now?" Emily inquires.

"The western guard room. There may be a way out," Thorin replies.

"It's too high. There's no chance that way," Balin points out.

"It's our only chance. We'll have to try," Thorin sighs and then starts walking again. Slowly we follow after. "Come on." Out of nowhere a coin drops righting in front of Bilbo and the clink seems to echo on. Thorins head snaps to stare at Bilbo who looks at his jacket pockets confused. He doesn't seem to know where it came from. Another coins drops and another. Looking up I see Smaug crawling right above us. The size and closeness of the beast would make even Thranduil squeal like a child.

Thorin indicates for us to keep moving even slower and quieter.

"Where are you little angel? Your dwarf friends are here somewhere wouldn't you like to see them? Maybe you can draw them out for me," Smaug coos and I freeze. Allie! He's talking about Allie!

"No way in hell!" a familiar voice screams and all eyes land on Allie. She's flying right in front of the dragon staring defiantly at him. Snaug growls and I see his stomach heat up as fire builds up. "Go ahead flame me again! You know what'll happen!" Smaug roars and fire bursts from his mouth at her.

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