Chapter 3 Love Leaf Inn

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"We are almost there," Thorin announces and a choruses of "okays" "alrights" and one "fina-fucking-ly." I bet you can guess who  said that.

"Uh Emily I think your friend Allie hit her head to hard," Fili whispers to me while pointing to Allie.

"What?" I ask and turn around. "Oh."

Allie is skipping between Thorin and Alex while throwing flowers in the air.

"A flower for you!" Allie squeals and puts a flower in Thorins hair. "And a flower for you!" Allie says and sticks one in Alex's hair. Just then a fiery horn sprouts from Alex's head, spears the flower and all you can hear is a sizzle before the flower disintegrates. Allie frowns and sticks a few more on. Alex's horns appear and burn all of them. Alex doesn't even blink as she burns more. Thorin stares at the pair his eyebrow twitching slightly. "Fine party stomper I'll just make the flowers into a crown for Thorin. That way anyone can call him a flower king!"

"Oh no that's not necessary," Thorin insists.

"Nonsense you're my best dwarf friend!" Allie persists and starts weaving the remaining flowers into a crown. Thorin sends a pleading look to Grace who just finds all this amusing.

"What a great idea I'd say the dwarf deserves a flower crown too. Allie's flower crowns are just so pretty," Grace muses.

"I'll make you one too Grace!" Allie exclaims and Grace scowls slightly. She walked right into that.

"No she's fine she's always like this," I tell Fili.

"Funny little lass," Fili mumbles as Allie crowns the frowning king. Allie is a little short to put the crown on so she has Thorins cloak in her hand to tug him down.

"There now I dub you king of the flowers!" Allie declares. "Now I dub you queen of the flowers!" Allie grabs Grace's chest plate to drag her down and place a flower crown on Grace.

"Oh what gorgeous coronation!" Alex gushes sarcastically.

"Congratulations uncle!" Kili adds as equally sarcastic.

"Aw your so sarcastic together!" Grace sasses back.

"Ooooo she went there!" Sam coos wildly.

"Don't you dare take them off! You have no idea what I'm like when I'm mad," Allie threatens with a vicious scowl.

"Well it's never a dull moment with you four is it!" Fili laughs.

"You have no idea."




"I don't like the dwarf friend you've claimed," Grace states blandly as we enter the small village of Love Leaf.

"Huh why?" I ask obliviously.

"He's arrogant and he looks at you in a way I don't like at all," Grace hisses sending a glare in his direction.

"True...he does look at me funny...but he's still my best friend," I respond and shrug. It's naive to say I know.

"I'm offended I thought we were your best friends," Emily snaps and I glance back to see her and Alex frowning with their arms crossed.

"Of course you aren't what makes you think we are friends?" I question, incredulous.

"Ex-fucking-scuse me?" Alex interjects furiously.

"Excuse you? I don't get what's happening you guys aren't my friends you're my sister's," I explain. Grace chuckles and Emily and Alex visibly relax. "What did you think I was saying?"

"Oh nothing hun," Emily mumbles and waves me off.

"Oh okay," I say.

"Look an inn!" Sam announces and points across the barren seemingly abandoned town.

"Ah good," Thorin huffs and we all walk towards it.

"Great I could really use a nice long bathe in a fireplace," Emily sighs earning odd looks from the company.

"And I need to get all this dried blood off me and take out these awful stitches," I add and Oin frowns.

"Don't take them out just yet lass," he advises.

"Fine I won't."

"I could really just use a nap," Alex mutters and yawns.

"I need to update our kill list," Grace remarks offhandedly as we step into the inn.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen!" a happy man greets when we enter.

"Hello we are going to need all your rooms," Thorin requests. "And I mean all of them." The happy man looks taken aback but quickly starts scribbling on a notepad.

"Alrighty then and will you be wanting dinner and breakfast?"

"Hell yes!" I jump in.

"And I assume the ladies are married to others in your company," the man concludes while scribbling in his book.

"No why?" Emily inquires and I give the man a very evil glare.

"Oh well that's not very decent I'm not sure I can give you rooms then," the man, his name tag says Fred, explains.

"Oh you are going to give us the rooms anyway," I order and grab his hands, channeling the pain I took from Thorin earlier, into him. I could have just persuaded him but people like this piss me off.

"Ah ow of course here!" the man squeaks and throws a handful of keys at us.

"Thank you mister Fred," I thank in my most innocent voice and smile.

"Allie!" Grace snaps.

"Sorry," I apologize sheepishly.

"Actually I was going say I'm so proud my baby is becoming heartless!" Grace exclaims and hugs me.

"These are the weirdest girls I've ever met," Kili whispers to Fili and Fili nods back.

"Here group up and take a key. Please stay out of trouble this time," Thorin pleads sending a pointed look at me.

"No promises," Alex says.

"Just please no one die here can you
do that!?!?" Thorin groans.

"Again no promises," Alex repeats.

"Of course not why would I think that we could stay a night at an inn without someone getting viciously maimed?" Thorin sighs exasperated.

"I don't know it was pretty stupid of you to think dwarf," Grace muses seriously.

"I'm gonna drink!" I cheer.


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