Chapter 10 Sick Forrest

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I end up walking next to Kili to try and keep him safe. For extra precaution I took his hand. It is bigger than my delicate elven one but it feels right, like pieces in a puzzle. That dumb little shit worked his way into my heart. 

This whole platonic and soulmate thing is fucked up but even so I'm happy.

"The path turns this way," Dwalin announces leading us down a curve. Thorin made him the head of the line.

"So we haven't talked much lately," Kili says, trying to start a conversation.

"Well we did make bitchy comments at Beorns. That's A plus bonding if you ask me," I say.

"This way." Dwalin confirms his words by tapping his axe on the stone ground.

"That's why I like you...By the way did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Kili asks, smirking.

"No but I scraped my knee crawling out of hell," I retort.

"Clever clever so come here often?"

"Not if you do," I counter easily grinning. Kili starts laughing loudly and I join in. "Wait wait wait I got one. Is it hot in here or is it just you?"

"Actually it's you, you just crashed and burned," Kili snaps back.

"Ha okay how I am! What were your other two wishes?" I ask incredulously.

"That she be charming and pretty. I guess not all wishes come true," Kili snarks and I elbow him in the ribs. "Okay okay one more. All those curves and me with no spurs." I frown and he continues. "You know spurs to stop the pony."

"Oh hmm, that was so cheesy and here I am with no pizza," reply and Kili and I burst into giggles.


By night we both ran out of pick up lines. We set up camp along the path and Grace instantly fell asleep.

"Emily cut my hair please?" Allie asks while holding up a pair of scissors.

"Sure," Emily replies and they both sit down. Emily runs a brush through a Allies hair before holding up the scissors to start to cut.

"WAIT!" the dwarves all yell and Kili snatches the scissors from Emily.

"What the hell guys?!" Allie snaps.

"How could you do that Emily!" Fili asks, absolutely floored.

"Do what?" Emily hisses and snatches the scissors back from Kili.

"Everyone shut up! Emily keep cutting the rest of you calm down!" Allie orders. 

"Excuse us miss Allie but cutting hair is a thing dwarves do as methods of torture, or great mourning," Balin explains and Emily hums in recognition.

"Oh, well hobbits cut our hair regularly," Emily elaborates and starts to snip the back of her hair.

"That is so weird!" Kili exclaims. "Even elves grow their hair!"

"Not this one," I chime in pointing to my short blonde hair.

"Good point, but still Allie your hair would look good long," Kili protests. "Back me up Uncle!"

"It would I agree," Thorin says and Allie frowns.

"I did it once and no it didn't," Allie deadpans. "Besides long hair is too easy for your enemies to grab." The statement immediately makes everyone go quiet, Allie had long hair before Deren.

"Whats that?" Thorin asks pointing to the back of Allies neck just under the hairline. Allie instantly reaches up and grabs the back of her neck.

"Oh that it's a birthmark," Allie replies quickly, she's lying I can tell.

"It looks like a scar," Thorin observes, grabbing Allies hands and moving it to take a closer look. I peer over his shoulder to see. It does look like a scar. It is a narrow diamond shaped red mark on her skin.

"The midwife said the same thing," Allie laughs and Thorin raises and eyebrow but says nothing. Emily continues cutting without a word, perfecting Allie's hair.

"Thanks Em." Allie gives a big smile and flips her hair when Emily finishes. "So sassy!"

"Cute Al," Grace comments from the tree she's leaning up against.

"Thanks." Allie smiles and walks over to Grace curling up against her less destroyed side.

"Ugh Allie," Grace whines.

"Oh hush just let me cuddle you," Allie demands and places her hand on the gash. Moments later her veins run black and she shudders. Grace visibly relaxes but pushes her hand away seconds later.




The tree I'm leaning against is my tree. Well mine and someone special to me. We marked it with an G and an L.

Having Allie in Greenwood my birthplace feels nice. This is a part of me she's never seen before. Apart of me she needs to see.

I affectionately pat her head before drifting off.

It is quiet when I step down the hall. Well not exactly, harsh whispers emit from a closed room.

"We deserve more! Just because we look different doesn't mean you get to treat us as lower beings. It doesn't mean you get to kill people that look like us," I hear Laurel hiss violently.

"You are lesser beings you deserve to be eradicated. You are poison to society and you and your sister are lucky to be alive!" my father's voice yells.

"Lucky? we're lucky!? We are servants to you! We are treated like nothing! Our own parents refusing to acknowledge us as their own! This is no life and I demand better! Better for Grace and I!" Laurel shouts. I carefully tip toe forward and peer through the doorway.

"You'd best watch yourself scum or we'll kill you like we did everyone else that looks like you!" mom threatens drawing her sword. Laurel backs up a step and her eyes dart towards the door and she sees me.

"No, let's skip the threatening and just act," dad says and mom nods in agreement raising the sword.

"You are a stain on our race and now you must die." Then the knife went through the poor dark haired elf's throat. All I could do was watch.

I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. I dash forward to cradle Laurels body.

"Laurel? Laurel! LAUREL!" I jerk awake screaming. I'm covered in sweat and breathing hard. Shivers run down my spine and I cover my mouth with my hand and blink back tears. Allie is no longer by my side I look around to see her rolled over next to Thorin. She's punching him slowly in her sleep. Sam is hanging from a tree branch snoozing softly while Emily and Fili cuddle below. Alex is flopped over on her back beside Kili, their arms tangled together. All in all everyone but me seems peaceful.

"Nightmare?" Bofur asks and I start my head in his direction. He's the only one awake everyone else is out like a light. I'm surprised they didn't wake up  when I screamed.

"Yeah," I reply.

"Family member?"

"Yes my uh sister," I say quietly.

"It's rough I know. I lost my sister in law and niece in a fire. That's when Bifur lost his ability to communicate in Westron too," Bofur explains somberly.

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault, but I feel they are safe somewhere now waiting for us," Bofur says.

"I hope."

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