Chapter 34 Burn Together

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Looking on from behind a pillar I watch as the dwarves confuse and frustrate Smaug. I can tell what they are trying to do and I think it is stupid. They are gonna die.

While Smaugs distracted I shoot down the tunnel Thorin, Balin, Emily, and Bilbo went down.

"Thorin!" I call flying fast to him. I dart by Balin, Emily and Bilbo standing by an entrance and to Thorin who is past it. Realizing then I got the dragons attention and Thorin and I are too far from the door to get to cover.

"Thorin!" Bilbo yells as Smaug starts down the tunnel glaring.

"Allie!" Emily shouts to me.

"Follow Balin!" Thorin shouts and grabs my arm.

"Thorin!" Bilbo exclaims again stepping forward. "Allie!"

"GO!" I scream and Thorin tugs me forward.

"Come on!" Balin snaps and drags Bilbo into cover.

"This can't end well," I sigh and run with Thorin down the large tunnel. His hand finds mine and I clutch it tightly. "If we die you should know I don't think you're a coward."

"You should know I am, for not admitting to my feelings," Thorin counters suddenly stopping. I turn to him and he kisses me quickly before we both have to sprint away again.

The kiss and imminent death sends adrenaline rushing through my body and I can't help but glow. I don't even feel tired from redirecting Smaug's fire.

Smaug gets closer and closer suddenly pouring fire out again. Thorin takes a flying leap down a mining shaft and I a flying leap into the air. Looking down I see Thorin grab a rope and swing. Smaug roars and launches himself into the mine shaft. For being such small beings the dwarves really made large tunnels. Thorin swings dangerously close to Smaugs face as he goes by and I seize up.

"Thorin! Hold on!" Dwalin and I yell. Dwalin smacks a contraption making Thorin come swinging up. Smaug surges up and snaps the rope in his mouth yanking Thorin down. The rope severs leaving Thorin standing on Smaugs closed mouth.

"THORIN!" I screech in terror flying down the hole. I grab Thorin under his arms and try to heave him up. I'm not strong enough to pull him up. Smaug twists his face into a grin and I see his stomach heat up. He opens his mouth and fire comes up slowly. Frantically I yank on Thorin flapping my wings to pull us up. "HELP US!"

Nori smashes a gear and sends several mine carts onto Smaug's face. He shudders and falls down with a shout I muster as much strength as I can and haul Thorin from the shaft. Just as I we get fire explodes up from the shaft.

"Go! Go!" Thorin shouts and we scramble to the forges.




Bilbo, Balin, and I arrive at the forges second to Gloin and Oin. Gloin is examining one of the furnaces when we arrive.

"Emily can you heat this?" Gloin inquires. I step forward and hold both my hands together. Shutting my eyes I take a deep breath and focus my energy. Opening my eyes again I let fire erupt from my hands into the cold furnace. I hold the stream for a solid minute before the gold slowly starts to melt. I feel blood drip from my nose and I shudder. My energy is running low. I hold the fire till Bilbo grabs my arms and I collapse back exhaustion taking me.

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