Chapter 14 Surprises and Soulmates

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Panic fills my thoughts and flashes of Emily falling into the river replay before my eyes. I can't lose Bilbo too! The landscape and voices around me blur together. My breathing becomes erratic as it try to comprehend and deal with the situation at hand.

"Sam jump she's after you! She's gonna kill you! You need to jump Sam!" I yell at myself and stare down the waterfall. My mother's angry screams echo from the distance but slowly grow closer and closer. "JUMP!" I shout to myself and step off the cliff edge. Then I'm falling.

Wind and color rush past my face till I hit the water the impact bruising my body. I don't scream I can't she'll find me. So I close my eyes and let the current carry me away.

I end up washing up on shore. Exhaustion claims me and no amount of fear could fight it off. I fall asleep only to wake up in someone's arms. It is the Lord Elrond.

I stumble and collapse back against a tree my breathing becoming ragged and choppy.

"Sam Sam!" Bofur exclaims backing up with a mallet in hand to guard me. That's when I notice the spiders closing in again. Thorin starts shaking Allie who's still out of it. Taking advantage of his distraction a spider grabs Thorin from behind.

"Dwalin! Kill it! Kill it!" Thorin shouts and Dwalin bashes its head with his hammer. Grace is instantly on her feet slicing off a stinger of a spider trying to nab Allie. Kili gets grabbed by a spider and dragged away screaming.

"Fili! Alex!" he cries. Alex glares violently, her hands flaring up and fire whips lashing out.

"Hands off bitch! I haven't even gotten to second base with him!" Alex screeches and envelopes the spider with her whips incinerating its body.

"Come we need to run!" Grace yells and pulls me up. "Hold your breath Sam!" I nod and close my mouth it's not long till my world focuses again.

"Come on, keep up!" Dwalin shouts to Ori and pulls him along as we run.

"Clear!" Lacy yells just as a spider lands in front of her. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" The spider grabs her and starts to try and wrap her up.

More and more spiders descend rapidly and I realize this is a hopeless situation.

Out f nowhere Allie starts glowing, flexes her wings out to their full length, and draws her katana with ease. She looks up and I see her eyes glowing white.

"Evil be gone!" She yells and rises into the air cutting spiders that are descending. She twirls and slashes spider after spider but more still come. Alex and Grace pulls out their bows and start shooting while she fights in the air.

Even more spiders descend but as they do elves appear swinging down their thread and shooting them down. A blonde one slides down a string, shoots the spider spinning it then surfs on its body down the tree shooting spiders as he goes. His fighting style is surprisingly similar to Graces. The blonde elf lands on the ground in an effortless somersault and aims his arrow right at Thorins face.

"Do not think I won't kill you, Dwarf. It would be my pleasure," the blonde elf threatens while his companions kill off the rest of the spiders and surround us.

"I would not touch him if you value your life!" Allie hisses landing in front of Thorin.

"SAM GRACE ALEX HELP!" Lacy screeches and I realize in our haste we did not see her get carried away.




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