Chapter 7 Big Bear Thing

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We run for hours and hours with the huge bear on our tail. We never see it but we do hear it.

All this running is pretty hard on the dwarves and hobbits but us elves we are fine. Allie and Bilbo are really slowing down, I've noticed Allie isn't much of a runner. Emily is keeping up pretty well but I can see the running begin to take a toll.

"COME ON THERE IS THE HOUSE!" Gandalf shouts as we break into a clearing, dashing towards a large barn like cottage surrounded by a wall without a gate. Suddenly an ear shattering roar resounds throughout the clearing and a huge hear bursts through the trees.

"Holy mother of Aule!" I shout.

"That is a big bear thing!" Allie screams.

"RUN RUN," Gandalf encourages as we breach the wall surrounding the house. The dwarves heavily ram into the wooden door with a latch to high for any of then to reach so I shove them aside and undo the latch letting us crowd in. We slam and latch the door shut in a second and Gandalf instantly starts counting everyone. "Thorin, Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Balin, Dwalin, Dori, Ori, Nori, Bifur, Bombur, Bofur, Alex, Grace, Bilbo, Sam, Allie, and where's Emily?" I stop in my tracks where's Emily?

"What do you mean where's Emily!" I snap.

"She's not here that is what he means Sam!" Alex retorts obviously frustrated and on the edge of panic, come to think of it I am too.

"Then where is she?" I demand my voice getting high.

"Out there," Grace utters, unlatches the door, pulls of her armor and runs out shedding her clothes as she goes.

"What the hell!" Allie screams and moves to go after Grace only to be stopped by Thorins arm. "I will snap your arm if you don't move it right this second." The glare Allie gives Thorin is priceless and it gets the job done. Allie dashes out the door after Grace. I stare open-mouthed and frozen with uncertainty.

"Screw it all," I grumble and run out too. What I see is unexplainable.

The huge bear is looking over Emily but an equally as large wolf stands behind her. The bear and the wolf are locked in a face down neither one stepping forward or retreating. The wolf is a midnight black color and looks pissed. Allie stands behind the wolf looking absolutely dumbfounded.

The wolf snarls viciously and launches forward tackling the bear. The two growl bite and scratch at each other seemingly equal till the wolf bites the bears shoulder. The bear lashes out and swipes a clawed paw across the wolf's side.

Allie screams in agony just as the wolf howls and collapses. The wolf growls and releases the bear allowing the bear to tackle the wolf and bite it's back left leg hard. The wolf howls in pain and kicks the bear off before biting the bears shoulder again. The wolf bites down harder and the bear snarls and squirms before going limp and submitting. The wolf releases the bear and allows it to lumber back into the forest before turning to face Emily.

"Emily get away from that wolf," I order, cautiously stepping forward towards her.

"That wolf is Grace," Allie whispers and tilts her head to look at me. She's kneeling on the ground clutching her side looking half dead. Emily has a matching expression and turns towards me.

"She's not lying," Emily confirms and looks up at the wolf.

"I-I believe you just move slowly and keep your voices low. No sudden movements her judgement might be impaired in this state," I explain and take another step forward.

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