Chapter 29 Searching

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I tuck my wings in tight and dive bomb down. Squinting and reaching out I give a flap and propel myself further down. I just manage to catch it before it hits the ground. I extend my wings rapidly and the air resistance sends me springing upwards. With long flaps I rise above the cliff edge and toss the key to Thorin.




Thorin effortlessly catches the key and turns to the door. Allie goes to make a quick circle so she can slow down.

I make a noise of excitement as he inserts it and twists. A square outline a bit taller than a dwarf instantly appears and with ease Thorin shoves the door open. That's when Allie lands and speed walks to Thorin.

"Erebor," Thorin says in a clear steady voice. Allie hugs his arm and smiles. Thorin walks in slowly with her and Balin on his heels. The rest of us move slowly to see inside.

"Thorin," Balin chokes out and Thorin places a hand on his shoulder.

"We made it," Allie whispers and beams at Balin who is close to tears.

"I know these walls. These halls. This stone," Thorin murmurs and runs a hand over the smooth wall. Thorin walks further in and I duck inside. Everything is beautifully carved.

"You remember it, Balin. Chambers filled with golden light," Thorin reminisces, looking at Balin.

"I remember," Balin confirms and nods. Looking all around I catch glimpse of a engraving upon the door. Gloin sees it too and points.

"Herein lies the seventh kingdom of Durin's folk. May the heart of the mountain unite all dwarves in defense of this home," Gloin reads. Above the engraving of the throne there's a stone carved with accents to emphasize it.

"The throne of the king," Balin says.

"And what's that above it?" Bilbo asks referring to the stone.

"The Arkenstone," Thorin replies. Allie looks at Thorin then Emily and then Bilbo gulping deeply. I remember Emily telling me about why her Allie and Bilbo are along on this trip, to get that stone. 

"The Arkenstone. And what's that?" Bilbo questions.

"That, Master Burglar and Mistress Burglars is why you are here," Thorin remarks and I share a worried look with Jacob. Bilbo's eyes widen to saucers and he gapes at the dwarves. Emily darts her eyes around and Allie tightens her grip on Thorins arm. Protectively I wrap and arm around Bilbo's shoulders. Jacob grabs Bilbo's hand and squeezes it comfortingly.

"Oh yeah right we have to face a dragon for that," Allie chuckles nervously.




Kili groans loudly clutching his leg and crushing Alex's hand. The pain has worsened for him greatly meaning him and Alex haven't much time.

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