Chapter 15 The Heck Is This?

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Soft smooth creamy sheets surround and engulf me as I wake up. I take a laboring breath before opening my eyes slowly. I'm in a large bed with a ton of pillows surrounding me.

"The heck is this?" I mumble and run my hands through the comfy sheets.

"Oh you're awake! Hello there," a gentle quiet voice greets and suddenly the pillows are pushed aside. A small lady stands behind them smiling brightly. She has short brown hair, friendly hazel eyes, and lovely olive skin. She wears a green blouse and brown trousers but no shoes. She has furry feet and pointy ears like a hobbit but why is she here. What is here?

"Um hi where am I? And who are you?" I ask.

"Oh sorry I'm Natalie and you're in the kingdom of Thranduil the elf king," she responds. "What is the last thing you remember?"

"The last thing I remember is falling into a river then nothing. Wait! My companions they're probably so worried I have to find them!" I exclaim and jump up to my feet.

"Wait wait slow down!" Natalie yells. "Just calm down we will find your companions but in the mean time you need to rest. You fell in a enchanted river which has given you some nasty side effects," Natalie explains and gently pushes me back down.

"Okay okay. So I'm in the hall of Thranduil?"

"Yes I'm Thranduils closest friend and confident. I work as his advisor," Natalie says.

"Nice job but you're a hobbit. Why aren't you in the Shire?"

"Well I just showed up here one day apparently. Don't remember anything before that. But I do know basic things hobbits were taught as children. I may not remember and I don't care much. My home and family are here."

"Oh," I mumble.

"Here." Natalie hands me a cup of water and I graciously accept.

"How long have I been here?"

"A week." My eyes widen and I try not to let out a frustrated scream.

"My friends have been in that forest for a week without me!?!?!?"

"Yes yes but it's okay a day ago we heard the horn of Rivendall and we're looking for the source. Was a messenger from Elrond among your company?" Natalie inquires and rubs my arm soothingly.

"Y-yes her name was Lacy," I stutter.

"Lacy? Last name may I ask?"

"Yes P-Pier," I say, snapping my fingers trying to remember.

"Pierce," Natalie suggests.

"Yes how did you know?"

"Lucky guess." Natalie smiles and shrugs. But her smile hides a lie I can tell.


"Well I'll let you rest tonight the king wants to meet you. He's been so excited something about hobbits just fascinates him you know?" I nod, yawn, and fall back into the sheets letting sleep claim me.


When I wake up the room is darker.

A tree grows at the foot of the bed and winds around the room and covers the ceiling. There is a window just behind it open wide letting light in. The walls are covered with murals of fields, people, and hobbits. Across the room there is a light purple chair with a toy baby carriage. A light blue dress with green leaves encircling the top and bottom lays across the chair. I get up and walk over the note on it reads:

For Emily.

Smiling I undress and pull it on. It's beautiful and the color compliments my skin and eyes. A loud knock echoes on the door as I examine the dress more closely.

"Come in," I invite and open the door. Natalie is standing on the other side.

"Oh you found the dress, good. Thranduil picked it out. He's better at that sort of thing than me," Natalie explains.

"Well it's gorgeous. I'll make sure to thank him. Are we going to dinner now?" I ask.

"Oh yes follow me," Natalie says and leads me out the door and through a maze of hallways. The entire castle is made of trees growing and winding together perfectly.

We walk into the dining hall minutes later. A long glass table occupies the middle of the room with chairs lined up in perfect symmetry on each side. At the end of the table there is a throne that is formed by a tree branch. On the right side a red arm chair sat and the left a blue one. They look an awful lot like the ones back home in the Shire.

"Welcome Emily of the Shire, to my kingdom. I am Thranduil," a very tall elf, dressed in long flowing robes of different shades of green, greets and gestures to the two armchairs. He resides in the throne made of branches. Natalie goes and sits in the red one folding her hands politely on the table I follow in suit. We sit in silence for a moment till Natalie rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"Cut the royal act Thranduil. I know you want to freak out about her so go." Thranduil makes a strangled screaming noise and leans in close to me.

"What's the Shire like? How did you come here? Why did you come here? What are hobbits soul marks like? Would more hobbits like to come here?" Thranduil rapid fire questions me. His elbow is on the table and his face in his hands with a big puppy look on his face.

"It's rolling hills, soft rivers, gardens round every corners, homes made under hills, and there's twelve meals a day. I came with a company of thirteen dwarves, two other hobbits, four elves, and a wizard. I came here because my head strong friend Allie wanted to go on an adventure with the dwarves to reclaim there home. We have names of our soulmates on our skin. Our soulmates if they have names as well have our names in hobbitish. It's a top secret hobbit language. I don't think more hobbits would like to come sorry," I answer all his questions as fast as he asked.

"More hobbits!" Thranduil exclaims loudly while pumping his fists in the air. Natalie laughs at his foolishness and gives me a knowing look.

"Now I have a question for you King Thranduil. Why do hobbit excitingly so much?" I inquire tilting my head to the side.

"You're half the size of humans, you eat twelves times a day, you are friendly, visitors are a great to you, you garden, and you're feet!!" Thranduil squeals. "And once upon a time I visited the Shire and befriended the nicest family of hobbits."

"Calm down you'll scare her!" Natalie scolds and grabs Thranduils ear.

"Heeeeeyyy stop," Thranduil whines.

"Manners Thranduil," Natalie reminds and releases go of his ear. I crack a smile and chuckle to myself.

"You guys are such and odd pair," I comment.

"Thank you," Thranduil says graciously.

"Thanks I suppose. We are only friends though," Natalie explains. "I don't have a romantic soulmate only two platonic ones. This one and Tauriel the head guard here."

"No romantic soul mate that's odd," I murmur. "What about you Thranduil?"

"I have Natalie and my romantic soulmate died unfortunately. You'd love her she was so gracious and kind," Thranduil answers, a far away look in his eyes. Suddenly I feel overwhelming sadness for him. If Fili ever died I don't know what I'd do.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper and pat his arm.

"Thank you," Thranduils says and smiles weakly.

"Hey no tears at dinner! Smiles and friendly conversation only," Natalie snaps making Thranduil and I burst out laughing. I could get used to these people.

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