Chapter 20 Jail Angels

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Here's a link to some artwork I really like for Thranduil:




Allie wakes abruptly five minutes later and begins slamming herself against the bars of the hanging cage. It rocks and fuels her anger. She grabs the bars with her hands and jumps up pressing her feet against the bars. A wrenching shriek explodes from her throat in a language I can't understand (by the faces on Alex, and Thorin they don't know either) and her eyes start to glow again.

"Uh oh," I mumble.

"This a different reaction," Alex states.

Her wings start flapping wildly and for a moment it seems like runes are burning on her skin and legs. Allie glances own at the runes and just screeches louder as if she's in pain.

"Are they actually burning her?" Fili asks and I shake my head.

"I don't know," I admit.

I can barely watch as tendrils of her glow lash out and her screams echo across the walls.

Minutes later she collapses to her knees on the cage floor, arms extended out, and just screams louder than before.

"Plug you're ears!" Grace yells as the pitch gets higher and higher. Seconds later the screams get so loud the elves collapse in pain and blood starts dribbling from their ears. Fili grabs my head and shields my ears but the sound still seeps in.

It does more than hurt physically, it is heartbreaking to listen to. Fili
Hold me tight and turns me away as her glow becomes blinding. She's glowing extremely bright.

Just as it gets unbearably loud and bright it all stops.

Glancing back up I see her body fall back and her eyes close.

"ALLIE!" Grace yells. "ALLIE!"

"Grace if you can still feel the bond she'll be alright," Alex assures the wailing elf. I myself hold back tears and cling to Fili. What's happening to my sweet friend?

"What the hell was that?" Dwalin shouts.

"We've no idea actually," Bilbo answers genuinely.

"This sucks," I huff, crossing my arms. "One second we are dancing, drinking and eating the next our wise leader insults our host landing us in cells!"

"Well it is consistent with your company's past situations if Lacy told me correctly," Tauriel muses, silently flowing down the stairs.

"Oh yes," Fili says nodding. "It is."

"Well I'm afraid Thranduil doesn't want to free you at all. You insulted his late wife and soul mate. That is an extremely sensitive subject for him. So we'll just have to coordinate an escape plan," Tauriel explains.

"Till then jail party!" Alex cheers. "And yell so loud we hopefully wake Allie."

"How often are you two down here?" Kili queries and side-eyes the floating cage.

"Often enough to have velvet thrones in our cells," Grace replies as she stares longingly at Allie.

"How long has it been since you've been here? And how did you come to be assasins?" Bofur inquires.

"Well after escaping my father I went back to my mother's village to find it pillaged by orcs. Thranduil's guards found me while they were helping the citizens rebuild. I went back with them to the castle and offered my services to Thrnaduil. He had an interest in legends so when I told him about my parentage he wholeheartedly allowed me to stay. I became an assassin for him and made a life here," Alex answers blatant and bored. Her story doesn't much scar her anymore. She's learned to live and move on.

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