Chapter 26 Weapons

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The bonds are bright and pulsing when I open my eyes to them again. The blue one connecting Tauriel and I thrums brightly. It makes me smile when I see it get thicker. She's coming for me. Alex and Kili's once wonderful braid is dull and dark. It's strained with pain.

Jacob's bond to Sam and Bilbo from his heart is red as well as the one connecting Sam as Bilbo. They are now a triad if they choose to accept.

As I scan across a bright purple strand catches my eye. It's new and protruding from Allies heart. Her blue one has taken a darker hue also. So the screaming in the dungeon with the ruins must have triggered a new bond. Someone has got to tell her.

I open my mouth to call her over but Thorin suddenly jumps up.

"We're going to break into that armory get our weapons and leave this place. We don't have time to wait," he announces.

"Good things come to those who wait," Allie objects.

"Yes but people who wait miss things!" Thorin snaps. Allie glares and crosses her arms. She's obviously sick of his shit. Why she doesn't speak out more surprises me. Without Grace her strengths of will seems to dissipate.

"But what about Kili and Alex they seem to be getting worse," Fili argues gesturing to the unconscious and practically limp bodies in the corner. Kili is clutching Alex's hand. Her face is wrapped up but keeps bleeding through and her leg is in the same shape. The blood out of her leg is now black. She's been poisoned.

"We cannot miss Durins day," Thorin states firmly.

"We do need weapons," Sam whispers. She's missing her battle axe and Emily her trident.

"Then let's just fucking go!" Allie growls. The dwarves pull themselves together while I sneak back to Sam, Bilbo, and Jacob.

"You're bond is very strong. It's red by the way. Also this idea isn't a good one and what the hell were we thinking leaving our homes?" I ask.

"I wanted to escape prissy elves who insult my diet, manners, looks, and weapon choice," Sam replies.

"I needed to keep and eye on Allie and my house was getting a bit stuffy," Bilbo admits.

"I didn't purposely leave I fell into her arms and went with the flow," Jacob responds.

"Wait what did you say about our bond?" they all question at of me after realizing what I said.

"It's a triad and its red," I say. "Quite pretty." Then I just grin and waltz away. I try not to meddle too much.

"Wait you can't leave!" Bain objects stepping in front of Thorin.

"Move," Thorin orders shoving past Bain. The rest of the company follows except for the non dwarves and Kili.

"I'm sorry Bain but technically Thorin is out leader and we gotta follow him," Kili apologizes. He still has strength left to walk. Alex mumbles and her hand moves to touch her face. Kili inhales sharply and exhales loudly when her hand falls. 

"We have to go. Bye Bain," Allie mumbles and pats his hand. Kili shoulders Alex's weight and Sam helps. The rest of us leave the house regretfully.

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