Chapter 35 Dragon Daughter

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Smaug takes a step further into the forge and I dash between his legs to Allie. She whimpers pathetically on the ground. Her wings are bent and misshapen and her glow is gone.

"NOW!" I hear Thorin demand and glance aside to watch as Bilbo yanks down the lever. It opens two floodgates dousing Smaug with tons upon tons of water. It knocks him to the ground sending him into a frenzy, and splashes over us. I stay still, sitting before Allie to shield her from the water, and gently hold her hand.

"I've been damaged again," she whispers.

Behind us the dwarves throw flash flame at the dragon and knock mine carts onto him.




Little Ori enthusiastically and perfectly throws the flash fire distracting Smaug from his designated target which is Thorin. Thorin grins and pulls a lever sending molten gold flowing through the dwarves old contraptions.

"Lead him to the Gallery of the Kings!" Thorin barks and jumps into a wheelbarrow floating down the gold river. Smaug stomps and stomps destroying the some forges and the tall staircase. Fear once again clouds my brain. Bilbo falls from the staircase as it crumbles rolling away. I sprint from my position to aid him. Jacob follows behind me and together we drag Bilbo up and away.

To the Gallery of the Kings he said so that it where we will go.

"Keep going, run!" Thorin encourages.

"Come on Bilbo!" Jacob says and we scramble down a steep incline before falling through the entrance of what looks like a gallery. Smaug thunders behind us making every step faster and more erratic. A loud crash makes me seize. Stones fall as Smaug breaks through sending debris and large tapestries crashing to the ground. The biggest, a blue one, falls on the three of us, and conceals us from him.

"You think you can deceive me, barrel rider? You have come from Lake-town. This is some sordid scheme hatched between these filthy dwarves and those miserable trading lakemen. Those sniveling cowards with their long bows and black arrows!"

Black arrows really seems to be a sensitive subject for him. His voice is antagonized and annoyed. He waves his tail breaking pillars and stone left and right.

"Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit," the dragon growls and beings slithering towards the barricaded front gate.

"Oh no!" Bilbo shouts crawling out from under the tapestry and standing before the dragon. Jacob and I jump out as well standing beside him. If Smaug kills him, we are to die by his side. "This isn't their fault! Wait! You cannot go to Lake-town!" Smaug stops short and whips around.

"You care about them, do you? Good. Then you can watch them die!" he booms and starts to make his way out. We've no way to stop him. What can two elves and a hobbit do against that beast?

"Here! You witless worm!" Thorin insults making Smaug pause again. The fear and adrenaline runs high in all of us. Smaug turns once more. Thorin stands atop a large statue mold with a determined look.

"You," Smaug states, stalking to him. Bilbo, Jacob, and I are luckily not crushed. Instinctively I herd my boys out of the way and off to the side of the gallery so we can stay out of danger.

"I am taking back what you stole," Thorin spits.

"You will take nothing from me, Dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old. I instill terror in the hearts of men. I am King Under the Mountain!" His words echo all around and I can't help but think Allie would have a brilliant jab at this point. But she lays broken in the forge.

"This is not your kingdom. These are Dwarf lands. This is Dwarf gold. And we will have our revenge!" Thorin counters loudly before screaming in kuzudhal and yanking on the chains he holds. He lifts off the column and suddenly the mold starts to crumble to the ground. When the rocks fall away a golden statue of Thror is revealed underneath. The gold sheen enchants Smaug and he stares at it unmoving. The trick is working!

The eye is the first to pop out followed instantly by the rest of the statue. The gold flows and covers Smaug. Smaug watches with an almost broken hearted face as it falls apart. Then it's a pained look when the boiling metal flows over him. Smaug crumples to the ground flailing his limbs wildly. We all watch hopeful as the gold washes over him. He cries out in broken roars and falls flat on the ground. The gold flows over him and covers Smaug.

For a terrible second all is quiet.

But Smaug rises from the gold roaring and furious.

"Ah, revenge! Revenge! I will show you revenge!" he wails and claws his way to the entrance.

"STOP!" a voice screams and Smaug once again pauses. A small hobbit stands before him bravely holding her hands up. "You will not attack those people!" Smaug laughs and without saying anything covers her in fire.

"EMILY!" I cry out feeling the burning sensation as she is enveloped. I choke and stumble back hitting the floor. My bloods feels as if it's on fire. The pain is excruciating. Suddenly it stops and for an eternal moment I feel empty before its replaced by a cold familiarity. Jacob helps me to get up.

Emily is surrounded with a ball of fire. She is holding it around her. Suddenly it blows out and an ear shattering roar rings out. Emily is gone.

In her stead a winged, scaled, halfling stands.

"The Dragon Daughter!" Smaug exclaims in fear before racing out and flying away scared. Emily follows after and both fly to Laketown.




The ground shakes again and Tauriel looks out the window. Her eyes widen and she suddenly grabs me and pulls me close.

"I swear I'll keep you safe. Nothing will hurt you." Her words mean the world to me. But nonetheless I fear.

Natalie's eyes dart around anxiously and that's when I see her bond. Her soul bond is on fire. It's a dark black fire leading straight to the mountain.




"Oh my Valor. Oh my Valor. She's-she's a-a" I pant and my words cut out. I'm shocked.

"I am fire. I am...death!"

In horror we stare at the forms as they head towards the oblivious town.

"What have we done?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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