Chapter 19 Meren Gilith

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After a lovely dinner with the king we all parted ways and went to bed. I went alone.


My room is big and the bed huge. All for me to lay on by myself.


Slipping in quietly I settle in the middle and close my eyes, nothing. I can't sleep. I'm used to someone being by my side or across the hall. This time it's only Oin and Gloin across the hall. Emily, Alex, Grace, and Bilbo are all sleeping across the castle. Leaving me behind.

I'm very happy they all have soulmates and life figured out after this adventure. But also a little sad I don't. The cursed runes in my back mean nothing, for my soulmate will instantly give me up when they see the name on my stomach.

Signing deeply I look around the dark, drafty, and empty room. I've no one to cuddle.

I lay in silence for hours before groaning and forcing myself to stand up. I'm gonna go find someone to cuddle if it's the last thing I do.


The castle is cold and dim as I quietly tiptoe through it. Wandering about I examine my options. The couples and older cranky dwarves off limits one.

"Hello Allie may I ask what you are doing up?" a collected cool voice asks. I jump and whirl around to see Thranduil standing in the hall.

"Oh yes you see I'm searching for a cuddle candidate," I explain sheepishly.

"Hmm can't say I can help with that. I'm not much for cuddling and Natalie isn't either. But I believe the older scholar, Balin, is in the library making your leader alone in his room. A small kidnapping would be in order to get him back to your room though," Thranduil says coyly and my mood brightens.

"Great idea thanks!" I exclaim and immediately start walking.

"One thing before you go." I pause and turn around.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I find all legends quite interesting do you?" I nod hesitantly. "But one in particular the constantly fluctuating Angel of Middle Earth one really catches my eye." I gulp deeply. Oh no he suspects.

"Well it is quite fascinating I agree." I keep a straight face although panic is welling up.

"It's also true isn't it. I mean all the other legends are. So why not this one?"

"Because it's fairy tales. Angel? You can't be serious. They don't exist," I chuckle nerves building up.

"Demon children don't exist," Thranduil deadpans. "Anyway you fit the description perfectly. A mysterious diamond shaped mark on your neck, ability to take pain, wings, an enchanting voice, and sudden strength of grace  in times of need. The dots connect." I screw my eyes shut and shake my head rapidly.

"No no no." Tears spring at my eyes. I don't want this.

"But oh it's true isn't it. You just don't want your friends to know you killed yourself, you don't want them to know you're supposed to a savior. Do you?"

"I don't, they can't!" I snap before turning on my heel and dashing down the hall to Thorins room. I get there in ten seconds flat, throw open the door, and slam it behind me.

"Uh Allie?" Thorin chokes out. He is reclined on a single bed in night clothes his hair tied back in a ponytail. Another single bed lies across the room for Balin.

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