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I wake up from my nap, take a shower and get ready. For the last hour I have been waiting on Jamie to leave. Apparently while I was napping she returned. I'm already a half an hour late. Currently, Jamie is standing out in front of my car screaming and yelling. "I know you're seeing someone else, you aren't nothing but a cheating prick. I pulled your phone records again. I know you have been talking to some bitch all day. I hate you." This bitch really is crazy. I have been talking to Aria for one day and Jamie already knows about it? What the fuck. I decide to walk around her and get in my car. She can yell all she wants. I'm leaving. I still haven't said anything back. I'm not doing it. I know she is trying to get me on tape yelling back at her. It isn't going to work, I don't have time for this. I pull out my phone and text Handy

Jamie is being crazy screaming and yelling outside my house. I'm late. Can you come get her? - Giamatti

I immediately get a text back.

I'm stuck at another fucking wreck. Just leave. Let her yell at herself. Don't stoop to her level. Fuck that bitch. Go be with someone who isn't a raging crazy bitch.-Handy

He's right. Why should I care. I put the key in the ignition and shift the car into reverse. When I start to back up she jumps behind my car. I have no choice but to stop. She comes around to the window and yells at me to get out of the car. I floor it and back out of the driveway without incident. What the hell is wrong with her? I could have run her over. Jamie hasn't been dealing well with the divorce. We used to be happy, but after Kaiden was born we just fell apart. She got lazy and not to mention she isn't into the same things sexually as I am. She is also a very jealous person. Pulling phone records, hacking my email and social media, following me these are all things I have had to endure in the last 2 years. It's done and over with now, she just need to move on. I will always care about her but I'm not in love with her and I don't think I ever really was. Hopefully, she will find someone new and leave me the hell alone. Unless it has something to do with our son, I want nothing to do with her. Finally, I'm on my way. I pull my phone out and pull up Aria's message.

I'm on the way I'm so sorry again. I promise I will tell you everything. - Jace

I drop my phone in my console and continue up the road towards Aria's house.

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