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Well, that was unexpected. Everything about this night has been unexpected. What we have jumped into is twisted and fucked. Thinking back to everything that has happened today, I smile. It may be complete chaos but every second of it has been worth it. Being here has been exciting, you never know what is going to happen next. I have a feeling her entire world is like this. I just hope that I'm cut out for it. 

I grab Aria by the hand. "Come on, I think you need to relax." She smiles and grabs Stephen by the hand. We all three head to her bedroom. This bedroom is the most beautifully decorated room I have ever seen. The walls are a bright red, the carpet is a deep gray, and the trim is all black. In the back of the room, there is a wall of windows. To the right of that, there is a huge four post bed with black netting draped over the top. I quickly note a mirror hanging above the bed. Interesting. The pillowcases and sheets are red satin that match the walls, the bedspread is also satin, but it is as black as coal. To the left of the room, I see a huge marble fireplace with a red chaise placed in front of it. The walls are decorated with tasteful nude pictures of herself and a few other women. LED candles are placed on a ledge that goes completely around the room. She walks over to the black marble top nightstand and grabs a remote, with a few pushes of buttons the whole room changes. Every LED candle is now glowing and changing colors, a huge flat screen TV has lowered from the ceiling and is now hanging at the foot of the bed and the wall of windows has disappeared behind shades that have lowered. 

Her and Stephen are already laying on the bed when I'm finally done taking in my surroundings. Aria gets up and grabs me by the hand and pulls me over to the bed. None of us have spoken about what just happened. And honestly, I don't know if we need to. I think maybe playing it by ear may be the best idea here. Stephen finally speaks "It's a lot to take in. There are a lot of things in this house that aren't as they seem. You will get used to it." I laugh. "Yes, I wasn't expecting a TV to drop out of the ceiling, that surprised me a bit. This house is beautiful though." Aria who is now naked again is laying in the middle of the bed. She reaches out and grabs Stephen's arm. "Babe, could you please go get another blunt? But hurry back." She says with a wink. He nods and leaves us alone. We look at each other and both speak at the same time. "You go first," she says softly. "Well, I was just going to say that I have had a lot of fun tonight. You are amazing. This isn't exactly what I expected but I'm damn happy about how everything has worked out." She pounces on me and pins me to the bed. Grinning she says "Me too. So, you are okay with everything? You aren't going to run for the hills? My life can be a little hectic but at least there is never a dull moment." I bend up to kiss her and softly reply "I'm more than okay with everything. This has been the hottest night of my life." She returns my kisses still on top of me.

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