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The fact that Stephen just kissed her right in front of me, bothers me a little. They are obviously really close, but how close? She stands up and gives me a hug. She looks absolutely stunning. The dress she is wearing shows off her perfect body and she isn't wearing a lot of makeup, which I like. I can see how gorgeous she is naturally. "I'm glad we can do this tonight. I hope you are hungry! You look absolutely beautiful." She smiles and says, "I'm starving, and you don't look so bad yourself. It's nice to see you out of uniform. I have been waiting for this all day." 

She grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen. We both unload the groceries that I brought and lay everything out. "Would you like a drink? I'll fix you one. I should have anything you could possibly want. Most people don't know this, but I've actually been trained as a bartender." How can I resist that offer? I smile and reply, "Well my favorite mixed drink is dirty bong water. Have you heard of it?" Her eyes get big, and she starts laughing. "That's my favorite too! That's what I was drinking when you got here! That's awesome that it's both our favorites. Hold on I'll go make you one!" Her excitement was contagious. That's weird that we both have the same favorite mixed drink. It's not that common of a drink. I'm going to be making a five-course meal tonight, so while I was at home, I typed up a menu. I wanted her to know what she is eating. I lay it out on the counter.

Beautiful, your 5-course meal will consist of the following.

I hope you enjoy the tastes of authentic Italy.

- Jace

The Antipasto-

Bruschetta Pomodoro

The Primo-

Orzetti Stampati al Limone

The Secondo-

Arrosto di Agnello

The Contorno-

Garlic Creamed Potatoes

The Dolce-


I start putting together the bruschetta as she walks back into the room with my drink. I take a sip and it's amazing. "This is by far the best dirty bong water I have ever had. Thank You. There's a menu on the counter that'll show you what we'll be having for dinner. I hope it's okay." She looks at me with a huge smile and grabs the menu. "Oh my gosh, you can cook all of this. I'm excited and I do love a good leg of lamb. I can't believe you took the time to make a menu. Can I help you with anything?" Holy shit! She can read Italian. Wow. I'm impressed. "I have it under control, but you can sit here and keep me company." She laughs. "I probably wouldn't let me near that either. I can cook but I've never made anything like that. But I sure do enjoy eating it. I have a house in Italy, I go there every summer and load up on authentic Italian cuisine. Can I watch to learn?" I smile. "Of course, you can watch, babe. So, you have a house in Italy? That's awesome. My family's from there. I've only been once, but I grew up eating authentic Italian cuisine." I say softly. 

She is surprising me. I sort of figured that, since she is a rich celebrity, she would be used to being catered to. The fact that she doesn't just want to sit back, and she is actually interested in learning how to do it, shocks me. I have misjudged her. She comes up wraps her arms around me. "Thank you for cooking. I've never had anyone I wasn't paying come and cook for me like this. Maybe the next time I visit Italy you can come with me." I grin, "That would be sweet! I have been wanting to go as an adult I just never had the opportunity." She looks at me like she wants to say something, so I ask, "What's on your mind? I am a cop remember. I can tell when people aren't being forthcoming." She laughs and says softly. "Okay, so I know you are a police officer and all, but would you be completely offended and arrest me if I went and got a blunt to smoke. My nerves are still a little shot from earlier and weed relaxes me." Well, I didn't expect that, but after the bullshit with Jamie, I would love a blunt. I shoot her a devious look. "I'm completely okay if you smoke a blunt, as long as you pass that shit. I haven't smoked in almost a month; I've been too busy to get any. Most people always assume that because I'm a cop, that I get drug tested all of the time. That isn't accurate, in fact a lot of us smoke. It keeps us sane from all the shit that we see. As for arresting you, like I said earlier if I put you in handcuffs, it's not going to be to take you to jail." She laughs loudly and disappears into the other room; I'm assuming to go get the weed.

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