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Finally, while watching the camera I see Stephen outside smoking a cigarette. With tanned skin, military cut dark brown hair and baby blue eyes he is sexy. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to him. He is six foot one inch, with a rock hard body that is covered in tattoos. He works out every day and it shows. There is a scar that goes from the corner of his eye back to his hairline, caused by a piece of shrapnel from an IED in Iraq. He is a decorated war veteran. He hates the scar, but I think it's sexy. I tell him all the time our scars tell a story and remind us where we have been and what we have overcome. A feeling of relief washes over me. I'm still pissed at him, but I am glad to see him. I can't believe that he let someone get in our house, this close to Anna and I. We are going to have a long conversation about this.

I lay down the gun and ask "Anna, are you good?" "Yeah, I'm good. Fuck that dude! You?" She spits. There's the Anna I know and love. "Yeah, I'm just fucking pissed." I say as I shake my head. A loud knock outside the room startles us. It's the officer. I turn to the security keypad and type in the code to unlock the door. 506-9420. The door opens and the officer steps in. He is gorgeous with blonde hair and a tan complexion. You can get lost in his eyes, beautiful icy blue with yellow starbursts around them. His tall, muscular build fills out his uniform well. Even with everything going on, I'm instantly drawn to him. As I stand there taking in his beauty, he comes up and grabs my arm. Of course, this takes me out of my trance and snaps me back to reality. He looks at me with an intense gaze. There is a catch in my breath as if something is sucking the air out of my lungs. Just from that gaze, I can feel his dominance radiating. My insides are doing backflips. After a moment, he speaks, releasing my arm. "I'm officer Jace Giamatti. The suspect is in custody. I really need to get your statement. Can we go somewhere and talk?" I'm taken aback by the tone of his voice. It has a dangerous edge that sends chills up my spine. When I finally get myself back together, I respond while extending out my hand. "I am Aria Justice, and this is Anna Fountain. We can go to my office to give our statements. Thank you for coming so quickly. Did you happen to catch the name of the guy that did this?" "Yes, his name is Khane Schmidt. He said that he has known you for a long time, he just babbled on about how you are meant to be together." He says rolling his eyes. Khane. Wow, I never thought he would do this. Khane has always had a thing for me but I've never given him the time of day. He is weird and creepy, but this is a little extreme, even for him. I mean the most he has ever done is send me love letters, poems or songs and of course follow me around occasionally. I always told Stephen he was harmless. 

I can't concentrate. I'm too entranced by the officer standing in front of me. Anna breaks my stare by elbowing me. "Uhm, yeah Khane, he has been obsessed with me for years now, we have always kept tabs on him, but I never thought he would do anything like this. Where is Stephen, my head of security? I need to speak with him." A look flashes across the officer's face, a look of disgust or darkness. Instantly, his whole demeanor has changed. When he finally responds it is in a bitter tone. "I told him to wait outside until I got your statements. I think you need to reevaluate your head of security. Apparently, your's thought his girlfriend was more important than your safety. If you insist, I will go get him." Girlfriend? What the hell is he talking about? And what is with the attitude change? I shoot Anna a glance. Obviously, knowing what I'm thinking she asks "Excuse me, did you say girlfriend?" He replies in a matter of factly way "Yep, when he got here he was getting out of some girl's car. I assume that was his girlfriend?" What the actual fuck? This motherfucker leaves me unprotected, while he is out sticking his dick in some random whore? I'm going to beat the fuck out of him when I get my hands on him. Maybe it's for the best that Stephen doesn't come up here. The officer looks at me as if he is waiting for a response. "Never mind, I'm good, I don't need him after all. Follow me and we will get this statement out of the way."

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