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Well, this isn't exactly how I thought the night would go but it's okay. I'm used to surprises. Why not? Today has already been a clusterfuck of bullshit. So, what if he's divorced and has a kid. That doesn't change anything. I love kids, I just haven't had any. This can still work. 

I go to the door to greet his ex-wife, Jamie. When she reaches the door, she stops and stares at me. She is very plain. She has medium length stringy brown hair and brown eyes. With a pale complexion and freckles, she doesn't have much appeal. She isn't ugly but she isn't anything special either. I choose to speak first and break the awkward silence. "Hi Jamie, my name is Aria. Come in. What can I do for you this evening?" She steps inside and stares until she finally breaks and answers me. "My husband is here, and I would like him to come with me. I would appreciate it if you would back off and let us work things out. You can have any man that you want. What do you want with a broke cop that just recently left his wife?" I'm not exactly sure what to say to that. I feel Jace come up behind me. He slides his hand down my hip as he walks past me to go sit down. I can see the concern on his face when he sits down and places his head in his hands. 

I decide that his feelings are more important than this woman who just interrupted our nice evening. My loyalties lie with him not her. I don't know her from Adam. I walk over to Jace and bend down to where I'm eye level with him. "It's okay. We're okay." He loosens up and touches my face while mouthing thank you. I give him a smile and turn back to face his ex-wife. "Jamie, Jace will not be going anywhere with you. The two of you are divorced. He is allowed to do as he pleases. If you came here to get my sympathy, you are barking up the wrong tree. I don't know what happened between the two of you and frankly I really don't give a flying fuck. All I know is that Jace and I are having a nice dinner and we would like to get back to that. So, if you could kindly be on your way, I would greatly appreciate that." 

I see the crazed look in her eye. She isn't going anywhere willingly. I figure she is probably going to throw a fit and cry to the point that I will have to have her forcefully removed. To my surprise that isn't what happens. She steps to me and throws a punch. I duck causing her to miss me. Using my elbow I slam her to the wall, pinning her in place. Stephen must have heard the commotion and came running into the room. I tell him to stay out of it and continue to hold this bitch in place. I want to rip her head off for trying to put her hands on me. I was being respectful to her, and she is going to come to my house and pick a fight. No, I don't fucking think so. I hear Stephen in the background telling Jace that I will hurt her if she keeps it up. Jace says well if she does it is Jamie's fault. Serves her right. I'm livid right now. My adrenaline is rushing, and my anger is rising. I'm trying my best to contain myself. "Are you going to try that stupid shit again, bitch? I'm warning you now, I am not the one to fuck with." She spits in my face and doesn't say a word. I wipe off her spit and drop her to the floor. "That might have been the biggest mistake of your life. You will be lucky if you walk out of here. I was trying to be nice and respectful. You just crossed a line." I swing and hit her right in the mouth. Blood goes flying across the wall. She drops to the ground and starts screaming "He is mine you can't have him." 

I reach out my hand and help her up. "Now, stop acting like a fucking idiot. I was being nice. That was a warning shot, the next hit will put you out. Don't fuck with me. You feel me?" She nods. I grab a towel and some ice and put it on her lip. "I'm sorry that I hit you. It wasn't my intentions. As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, Jace is staying, and you are leaving. Got it?" I say calmly. I can see in her eyes, she's not done. She takes the bag of ice and tries to hit me with it. I instinctively duck, then swing and dropping her instantly. I feel a little bit bad, but in my defense, I warned her.

 I turn and look at Stephen. "Can you please remove this bitch from my kitchen? Take her outside and make sure she wakes up, then send her on her way." Stephen nods, picks her up and carries her outside. I turn to Jace. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to have to do that. I warned her." I say quietly. He looks at me intently and says "That was the hottest thing I have ever seen for one, for two that bitch deserved it. Technically you can have her arrested." I shake my head, saying. "Nah, it's not necessary. That's too much work."

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