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All three of them look sexy as fuck. I can tell from the way their mouths dropped that they approve of my outfit choice. They all follow me down the stairs and out to the waiting car. Alec greets us with a black-on-black SUV. God, I love this car. We all climb in and head toward the bar. On the ride there, Alec says he will come in with us and help guard me. He's such a good person. He is by far my most trusted and loyal employee. 

When we pull up to the bar, it's packed. It's called Heat. It's not really a celebrity bar but I don't care. I want to go somewhere new and exciting. It looks nice outside. A huge neon flashing sign sits on top of a good-sized brick building. I can hear the music bumping inside. We walk up to the door. Stephen and Jace in front of me and Gabriel and Alec behind me. As soon as we enter the building, I'm hit with the smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol. A nice sized stage is in the center of the room surrounded by tall tables and a huge wooden bar. It's well-lit and decorated nicely. There are pool tables to the right and a dart board hanging on the wall. A hip-hop song that I helped produce is playing in the background. We make our way to a table and sit down. People start looking and pointing at us. It didn't take long for them to realize who I was. The bartender comes over and asks what we are having. I order us all shots of tequila and a round of the house. 

Stephen, Gabriel and Alec are talking amongst themselves, Jace never leaves my side. His eyes never leave me, other than to scan the room. "Every single person in here is looking at you." He yells over the music. I laugh, "You will get used to it." I shout back. The bartender returns with our shots. We cheer everyone in the crowd and suck them down. The warm burn of the tequila travels from my throat to my belly. I wave to the bartender to bring another round. When he brings them over, he asks "Can I have a pic and your autograph by chance? I'm a huge fan!" I smile and stand up. "Sure! Thanks for your support. Just keep the shots coming!" I exclaim! He hands his phone to Jace to take the pic. He puts his arm around me, probably a little too low. Jace and Stephen exchange looks of distaste. We smile and take the picture. I sign a napkin "Thanks for being a kickass bartender! Love, Aria J" and he heads off to get our next round. 

Jace comes back to my side and leans in whispering in my ear, "I want to fuck the hell out of you right now." I laugh. "Soon, very soon." Our whispers are interrupted by the bartender coming back. "I know it's a lot to ask but could you possibly sing a song?" I look at Stephen and Jace as for permission. Stephen nods me to go ahead. I take another shot and head up to the stage. Jace, Stephen, Gabriel and Alex stand at the base of the stage as I say my introduction to the crowd, "I have a request from the bartender to sing a song, what would you guys like to hear?" The crowd erupts with people shouting out song names. I pick a guy in the back and say, "You in the blue shirt with the hat, what would you like to hear?" He smiles a big toothy grin and shouts, "Your new song, I can't remember the name!" I know exactly what song he's referring to. I look through the karaoke machine and find the song. I'm surprised they have it since it's so new, but that's great. I grab the microphone and start singing. As I'm singing, I watch the men in my life watch me like hunters watch their prey. I feel safe and confident when I'm on stage. 

About mid-way through my song, I see the door open. I freeze. The guys follow my gaze, Jace runs to the stage, grabs me up and throws me over his shoulder. Khane. How the fuck is he here right now. "Jace, what the fuck? Get me out of here." I shout. Still carrying me over his shoulder we head out a side door. "I've got you baby; I'll shoot that motherfucker before I let him get to you." He says in my ear. Stephen, Alec and Gabriel were headed toward Khane last I saw, I hope they are okay. "What about the others?" I whimper. "They will be fine; I'm going to go get them." He says in a comforting tone. 

When we reach the car, Jace puts me down. "Okay, baby I'm going to get the others. Here's my gun shoot him if he tries to touch you." I look at him and grin, pulling my own gun from my thigh holster. "I have my own thanks." I reply. He laughs, kisses me on the forehead and heads back inside. I see a figure come out of the front door. It's Stephen. Thank God! As he is walking towards me, I see Khane walking up behind him. He's pointing something. It's a gun. "Stephen, duck!" I yell. Stephen hits the ground and I shoot. Oh My God. I shot him.

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