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The bitch I woke up with drives me to the house. The whole ride she has done nothing but ramble on about how she can't believe I'm friends with Aria Justice. Apparently, she is a huge fan. Fucking awesome, now some other crazy person knows where the house is. Bitch even had the nerve to ask me if she could meet her. Like I would ever take some random whore to meet Ari. I'm not that fucking stupid. Aria would snap this bitch in half just for fucking with me. All of her fans don't know the true her. She is protective over the ones she loves and is not afraid to go to jail for fucking someone up. I have seen that happen on more than one occasion. Aria is the best person I know, but she can also be a mean bitch at times. People think that she is just making shit up in her songs, when she talks about cutting a bitch. She's not. That girl would cut a bitch and watch her bleed if she felt like her or her family were in danger. 

When we pull up, I see a cop putting a man in the back of his car. Damn, I'm too late. I get out of the car and wave off the whore from last night. Sadly, I still don't know her name. She's not important. She was just a quick fuck to get Aria off my mind. I should have been here. I walk up to the pig and say frantically, "I'm Stephen, Aria's head of security. Where is she? Is she okay?" He looks at me and says smugly, "I guess you aren't much of a head of security if you let this guy pin her in a panic room with a knife." Who the fuck is he to tell me how to do my job? I mean yeah I fucked up; I really fucked up but, I have protected her fine for years without incident. I want to rearrange his face but I try to remain calm and ask "Who is the guy that broke in?" He says as if I should already know "He is a long time fan who apparently thought the way to her heart would be to break into her house and scare the hell out of her. She is fine. I need to get back in there and get her statement. Stay out here. Oh and by the way, he was coming here to get you out of the way too. He feels you are keeping her from him. You might want to refrain from leaving her unprotected like that, he said he will be back." 

Who the hell does this guy think he is, telling me to stay out here? She is my concern, not his. Where does he get off telling me what to do? What a fucking prick. So this guy in a mask thought he was going to take me out of Aria's life? I don't fucking think so. I should beat the fuck out of him, bet you his ass wouldn't come back around here again. I look in the car to see if I recognize him and I do. His name is Khane. He is a weird kid that has been in love with and stalked Aria for years. She always said she grew up with him. Something about he was her childhood neighbor. She always assured me he was harmless. I guess he finally got the balls up enough to do something. I should have hunted him down and took him out when I had the chance. That will be the last time I take her word for it on who is dangerous and who isn't. This isn't the first time he has tried to get close to her. Last summer he followed us around while shopping. I wanted to take care of it then, but Aria told me to just leave it alone. I honestly think she feels bad for him. I mean he is an ugly dude. He's probably still a virgin. Fucking loser. I watch him through the window as he sits there and glares at me. If looks could kill I'd be dead right now. I smirk at him and lean up against the side of the house. Lighting my cigarette, I inhale the cool menthol tobacco and try to keep my composure. That power tripped pig is heading inside to take Aria's statement.

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