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Well, that was unexpected. Gabriel is possible having a baby with another bitch, that's not good. This whole thing is getting more and more chaotic, I don't know how much Aria can handle. I look at Gabriel, I can tell he's upset, I feel bad for him. "Maybe, we shouldn't tell Aria right now. I think you should wait till you find out for sure." He looks at me and nods, "Yeah, I think you are right. Can you keep this secret for me?" He asks. I respond quickly, "Yeah, Ari has a lot on her, I don't think she needs anything else to worry about right now." 

I turn as I hear Jace and Aria laughing as they come down the stairs. "Hey you two!" Aria says sweetly. We both nod and move over to give them room to sit down. Jace sits down between Gabriel and I, as Aria climbs into my lap. She smiles as she says, "I want to go somewhere, like for food." I laugh, "You know to be as skinny as you are, you sure eat a lot." Jace snorts as he says laughing, "Well, we have probably burned off all of the calories she has eaten." Gabriel looks up and chimes in, "Well, let's go get ready and feed her, we all know how she gets when she's hungry!" She laughs and smacks his arm. "Okay, so I get hangry! It happens to the best of us!" She jokes. I ask her, "Where did you wanna go?" She thinks for a minute before she responds, "Well, what about a bar! That new one that just opened downtown, they have wings! I want wings!" We all laugh at her excitement. Jace grabs her hand and asks "You want to go to a bar and have wings? Where are you been all of my life. I thought you were going to say some fancy restaurant." She grins big and jumps up. "Let's go make some headlines. Everyone prepare for a night on the town. I'll call Alec and have him be our driver!" 

She grabs her phone off the table and runs up the stairs. We all exchange glances as I say, "First public appearance and it's at a bar. She is way too excited about this." We all erupt in laughter as we head upstairs to get ready. I have to say I'm excited about this. Aria's happiness is contagious. We all need to go let off some steam and just have a good time. I choose to wear a pair of black jeans, a baby blue button up shirt and a pair of timberlands. Aria will approve, she always says I look good in blue, because it brings out my eyes. 

Jace comes in as I'm lacing up my boots, and asks "Hey, so I haven't moved my clothes here and we're the same size can I borrow some clothes." I laugh, "Of course, my closet is your closet." He pats me on the back, "Thanks man, I'll have my clothes here tomorrow." He walks in and grabs a pair of dark blue jeans and a white button up and turns to look at me. "Yeah, I need help." He laughs. I laugh with him. Poor dude, he's out of his comfort zone. "I'm always in uniform, I don't know how to be a civilian anymore. "I'll get you taken care of, don't sweat it." I tell him. I take the shirt and jeans he chose and grab another pair of Timberlands and hand them to him. "Here, wear this. You actually did well. Let me grab you some shit to wear with it." I grab him a silver chain, matching bracelet and a belt and hand it to him. He looks at me and says, "Thanks, I'm not used to wearing all this shit." We laugh. I'll have to be his personal stylist till he gets used to this lifestyle. Which I don't mind. 

Gabriel walks in wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black button up shirt, with black boots. We all are pretty much wearing this same thing just in different colors. When Aria walks in all of our mouths hit the floor. She looks hott as fuck wearing a short white dress that clings to all of her curves. It's low cut in the front and in the back. It showcases her tattoos, and the white stilettos and diamond jewelry she is wearing with it completes the look. Looks like tonight is going to be quite interesting. The three of us are going to have our hands full keeping the perverts and the fans away from her. Jace and I both grab our guns off the dresser and put them in the waistband of our jeans. Aria sits down on the bed, and I see the edge of her thigh holster. She's carrying too. That just makes her 100 times sexier. "Are ya'll ready to go?" She asks smiling. We all look at her dumbly. Jace responds, "Uh, yeah I think we are ready. You look delicious." She smiles and jumps up. "Let's go then! Alec is waiting downstairs!" She exclaims. Her happiness and excitement are contagious.

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