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Aria is still the only thing occupying my mind. The thought of fucking her face, then ramming my dick into her has been on my mind since I left. I have to see her tonight. I'll go home, grab a shower and see if she is busy. I want to try to get to know her a little before I jump right into fucking her. Once she fucks with me there is no going back. Who knows, she could be the one for me. Time will tell. Until then I just have to try to get through this day. Maybe I'll text her real quick just to check in. I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts. Finally, I reach her name. Here goes nothing.

I figured I would check in on you and Anna and see if ya'll are doing okay. How is your ass? - Jace

I try to focus on these damn reports I have to do while I wait for a response. When I was questioning the perp, he told me everything. Aria was right she does have a leak in her security team. Apparently, one of the guys that works for her that goes by Biggins, is Khane's sister's boyfriend. I can't believe that dipshit Stephen let that slide by him. Fucking dumbass. Rule number one of hiring a security team is make sure the person you hire isn't associated with anyone that knows one of the stalkers. He also told me that this Biggins character gave him the code to the security system. So that adds a little bit of a twist. I'll need to let her know about that so she can decide whether to press charges or not. There is already a lot of paperwork involved in a home invasion, especially one involving a celebrity. I have to make sure all of the I's are dotted and T's are crossed. Just in case the media catches wind of it. We have a strict policy against speaking to the media when it involves a case, but sometimes leaks do happen.. Of course, after I finish this up, the case will be closed and I can do what I want with her without having to worry. My phone buzzes through the silent room. A rush of excitement runs through me.

We are good. My ass has a hand print across it, just how I like it ;-) Apparently my step brother is coming into town. I will be out with him for a couple of hours. But will be home later if you want to stop by. -A

Well okay, so she has a lot of men in her life. That's fine. I mean she invited me over, so I guess that's a good thing. I really just want to fuck the hell out of her but I know I need to pace myself. She could be the person I have been searching for. I don't need to just hit and run. I decide to respond with a sweet text this time. I want to let her see the softer side too.

I would love to come by later. I'd like to cook you dinner. If you are okay with that. How is Italian? I can come by around eight? I'd really like to get to know you before I fuck the hell out of you. ;-) - Jace

Okay, that wasn't quite the sweet text I had planned for. My dick took over for just a second, I couldn't resist. I'll get off at 6, go to the grocery store and head over to make some dinner. I'm half Italian and it's pretty much all I'm good at cooking, so I hope she eats that. I probably should have thought about that before I offered to make dinner. What is it about her that fucks my head up so bad? I can't focus on work, I can't even control myself through text. I'm not usually so impulsive. What have I gotten myself into?

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